Don & Bonnie Reed

Don and Bonnie Reed both reside in Michigan's NW lower peninsula. Both are happily retired from their high stress jobs (State Trooper and Educator), and combine their artistic talents in their unique jewelry products.
Don has been an avid “rockhound” since childhood, and jokingly informs people that now his “hobby” has gotten out of hand!
Don honed his lapidary skills at William Holland School of Lapidary Arts in gold and silversmithing, but discovered his real artistic talents were in wirewrapping with precious metal wire.
"My belief is that the stone is the star in every jewelry piece. I am unique in that I collect and cut most of the cabochons I use in my jewelry. This allows me to control the jewelry making process from start to finish. I use a classical wire-wrapping approach where the wire is used solely to enhance the stone and not cover up nature's beauty."
Don is reknowned for his clean, meticulous, and creative approach to his craft."People think I'm a little crazy when I tell them the stones talk to me and dictate what I do with my wire, but in many cases they do. A good wire artist will match a wrap perfectly with their chosen stone."
Bonnie has also attended William Holland where she learned the art of hand-knotting beads. Don and Bonnie combine their skills in much of their artwork.