Sorting Lakers in the sun

An amazing Ammonite!
Early this morning we went over to a Lake Superior Agate dealer friend and bought some of his best agates. The Lakers come from his “private” stash and not available to but a few.
I use these flawless beauties to make the pendants we sell on this site.
We went to the Arizona Mineral and Fossil Show at the InnSuites Hotel this morning. I located some Muonionalusta meteorite slabs I use in my jewelry and Bonnie bought some assorted drilled fossil beads. I bought a few real nice Queensland Agate cabs, and some other assorted things of little interest. We enjoy the dinosaur display that The Black Hills Institute has.
We went to the Tucson Bead show and found it disappointing in size and selection. It was not our style of show, mostly retail prices.
Tomorrow we will go to some of the shows next to the freeway in Tucson. These are usually interesting shows in variety and quality. Each dealer has a hotel room like the fossil show today. We roam from room to room in search of bargains. Anyone can go to these shows and you do not have to be a dealer to buy. It is also a wonderful opportunity to talk to the dealers close up. Today I met Jeff Scovil, one of the top rock and gem photographers in the world. He was taking a photo of a mineral and it was interesting to watch the detailed lighting set-ups he uses. I watched for 20 minutes as he meticulously adjusted reflections of light onto the specimen he was taking a photo of. I can see why he is considered the best.
Today sunny and 68.

The Black Hills Institute DisplayWe happily sorted gemmy "Lakers" in the sun

The dealers could pluck juice right off the tree!