by Bonnie
Don has been to the William Holland School several times for different classes, and this spring it was my turn. I went there several years ago for a beading class, and this week I returned for a Wire I class.
Wire can be used many ways in jewelry, sometimes in a flimsy, careless way, or a fancy artsy style. Neither of these represents our style at Snob Appeal Jewelry. A neat, careful, classic style, always featuring the stone is our goal.

Bonnie's projects looked great!
I studied this week with Jessie Donnan. I felt fortunate to get into her beginning class, so I could learn the same techniques as Don uses. My five classmates were mostly from the local Georgia area, and three are part of a group that meets every Friday to wire wrap. The other gals had taken wire before, and I was the only one who really had never done this type of work. I’ve watched Don lots of times, but I usually get bored and wander off to do something else before he finishes.
My first few practice binds were really uneven, loose, and generally just terrible! I kept them to remind me just how far I would progress. After a few attempts, it was time to start on a bracelet. There seemed to be so many things to keep track of: slippery pieces of small wire, strands of wire that I had “straightened”, but still had a curve and wanted to cross over their neighbors, pliers that tighten, but have to be put in the right place, and not be squeezed too hard or allowed to scratch the wires., and bundles of wire that don’t lay flat and neat together, but slide around in a curvy, criss-crossed mess!
Jesse and my fellow students were very encouraging, and persistence did yield results. It was a humbling experience to try this thing that looks so easy when Don does it. If you get a chance to watch him, don’t be fooled. He has created over a thousand gemstone pendants, and strives to make each one different. His bails, decorations, and multi-stone pendants were really admired by the various students at Lapidary School this week.

Not everyone has this many tools, just Jessie (and maybe Don)
All together, I made 3 bracelets this week, a couple simple rings, a couple earrings, and even a coin pendant and a stone pendant. I’ll just let Don continue to be the Wire Art Stone Pendant King, but look for some other products from me after I get some more practice!