Since we have a show in the near future in the Marquette area, I thought it only fitting that I blog about a wonderful stone local to that area, Kona Dolomite.
Kona Dolomite is found in abundance in the Lindberg Quarry just south of Marquette. The colors range from flesh color to pink or red and sometimes have unusual “picture patterns”. Like marble, Kona Dolomite is a metamorphic stone, and would be marble if not for the magnesium content. Kona makes a fine ornamental stone, and it is curious to me why we do not see table tops made of this beautiful material. One type of Kona Dolomite is referred to as “Verde Antique” and is a dead ringer for the finest marble. Kona contains Algal remains (stromatolites), in fact the oldest fossils found in Michigan.
I use Kona Dolomite to make beautiful pendants. Kona takes a great polish, but it is too soft for use in rings.
I have cut the State of Michigan and other shapes from Kona using my ring saw.

Kona can show wonderful patterns similar to picture jasper.
Sometimes the Kona deposit opens for rock collecting, especially during the annual rock show in Ishpeming, sponsored by the local rock and mineral club, around the first weekend in August each year. I think there may be a small fee, but you can haul out almost as much as you can carry.
Other types of Dolomite exist in Michigan with Randville Dolomite from Dickinson County, and Bad River Dolomite from the western part of the U.P. being the larger deposits.