People are turning to hand crafted jewelry to get the unique look that traditional jewelers don’t offer. The media and Internet are having a big hand in how people learn about nontraditional gemstones. I’ve been noticing a couple trends over the past year.
One trend I see is many alert couples noticing that there are many more gemstones than the common diamond, that can, and should be used as engagement gemstones. The most recent royal engagement of Kate Middleton to Prince William is a prime example of this. A really big deal was made because the ring was originally worn by Princess Diana. Only minor mentions were made as to this ring being unusual as a colored gemstone being used as an engagement ring. Kate’s ring is a remarkable, flawless, 18 carat, oval, blue sapphire surrounded by 14 fine white diamonds, and is valued at around half a million bucks. Not the piece of jewelry you might find in your local jewelry store. Diana had this ring custom made for her in 1981 as an engagement ring.
This ring has spawned many rip-offs. Even QVC has jumped on the bandwagon and selling their replica for $39.54. Of course this stone that QVC has is surrounded by diamond-looking stones and has a silver band.
Another trend I notice is black diamonds and brown diamonds being advertised as chocolate diamonds. Back in the day the black diamonds, which are heavily ladened with carbon, were simply crushed up and used on diamond tools. The brown diamonds were used for the same thing, not considered a desirable gemstone. Times are changing, boys and girls.
I do not have to go too far out on a limb to predict that in the near future even more jewelry buyers will seek out alternate gemstone jewelry other than the diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and topaz that the jewelry stores sell. This will be a gradual change because of the heavy advertising by the jewelry industry. But wouldn’t your own special stone lover treasure a unique picture rock or mookaite jasper or a moss agate or picture jasper that no one else in the world has a duplicate of? These unique hand crafted jewelry pendants are our specialty, unusual gemstones, wire wrapped with artistry and precision, and providing a lifetime of beauty.
The variety of jewelry sold by numerous jewelry selling networks on TV has been a boon to me and others selling the rare and unusual gemstone materials. These TV sales have help people change their attitudes and expand their thinking in regards to what is, and is not, a gemstone. I see things on TV that I never thought would sell in multiple hundreds. Things like jasper with names obviously made up by the these TV outlets. Things like dabacle rose spring sunset copper-included Christmas eve jasper. OK, I made that up, but you get the picture. I’ve got to re-name something with an alluring name that no one can resist. How about we re-name Greenstone to something like Star Light Pumpellyite. Hey Don, that’s a great idea!!
We have turned snowy white up north and it brings thoughts of family and Christmas. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season. May visions of Datolite dance in your head.
Don & Bonnie

May visions of Datolite dance in your head