The faithful husband encouraging Bonnie to "dig faster".
The pitter patter of light raindrops was my alarm clock. Bonnie & I were up and off before dawn’s light. Only a thermos of coffee and a portable monk’s muffin went with us, as we hurried to our destination. The goal was to get there before “The Badger” got there. .(Why? I don’t know—a point of honor I guess.) We had seen him digging a hole the other day, and knew he was attacking the rock pile with a sense of purpose. We saw evidence of his success and wanted to be successful too.

Don's BIG hole.

Everybody was digging BIG holes

Krystal's odd find while metal detecting. Would this be a "float hammer" just because she was looking for "float copper"?
At 6:00 am the traffic is pretty light on US 41 in the Keweenaw, but low and behold a car appeared and turned into our very own destination rock pile. I knew who it was! Yes, the Badger, a vigorous and determined datolite digger had arrived moments before us. The bad news was that the rain disappeared, and had not been sufficient to clean off the rock recently moved around there, so there was no datolites washed out. At least the dawn had come on enough that we could see.
We watched the experienced work of the Badger (this is not his real nickname, I just called John this because of his digging skill) and joked around with him. He is a recently Tech grad in geology engineering and is goofing off this summer gathering datolites and other rock treasures. John Dezelski dug and looked. He ended up the day with around a dozen. Bonnie & I dug and between us finally got 3. You have to develop an eye, because otherwise they are camouflaged.

I have been hunting minerals in the Keweenaw for years now, but I always focused on greenstone and “cutting material”, a vague term used to cover pretty rock found in this area–Patricianite, Prehnite, and others. I have dug for datolites before, but I don’t recall finding many! Luckily sometimes when you’re digging you find other stuff to please you.
Greenstones seem to be getting harder to find as the years go by, especially real nice big ones. All my old glory holes have been hauled away for road fill. We used to get Greenstones and Datolite at many locations and now those piles are gone. It’s not like the good old days. If you want a greenstone or datolite at a reasonable price, act now. Less supply means higher prices.