Sunny 75 & Breezy

The giant rock garden at TEP.

Rock Art at TEP.
Since I never finished my search at the Electric Park Show, we returned there to see if there was anything I never knew I needed. A search around The Rock Show (RV Show) produced a couple cabs as well as a piece of Carnelian from Madigascar like I have never seen before. It was an orange color with sort of a alligator-skinned pattern. I could see some good jewelry in that rock.

The unusual Carnilian from Madigascar.
There is a big hard-sided tent at the Electric Park Show that is always worth checking out, if only to see the jewelry tools at Kent’s Tools. We zipped through the rest of the displays and I took a photo of some imported jewelry similar to what you might see at all the shows.
Drifting around the TEP always produces some unusual viewings. We saw a giant garnet infused rock, some dragon carvings, got a closer view of big rocks, including one artsy one next to an ore cart I likes. There were quite a few fiberglass dinosaurs in the area ($10,000 & up). One sneaky raptor was caught checking out Bonnie! Other things we saw included a large crinoid infused rock slab and some nice rock carvings.
I decided to clear out of the TEP and head over to Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show, but on the way saw another Fossil Show at the with the same name at a Quality Inn. This must have been the overflow vendor area for the show we were headed to at the Hotel Tucson City Center. There were vendors waiting for customers, but more vendors then customers.

Quality Inn Fossil Show-looks like the west doesn't it?

This Raptor was checking out Bonnie.

The size of these garnets were amazing.

Fossil Show petrified wood table

Amethyst at the Fossil Show.

Amazing violet amethyst-fossil show.

Dragon carvings TEP.
This Quality Inn show seemed to have an abundance of Russian Vendors selling their wares. One Russian had some jade, best described as looking like sunstone. It was just amazing stuff that I probably cannot photograph and do justice to. Bonnie fell in love with a shiny purple Charoite cab that we gobbled up also.
We continued to the AM&F Show at the Hotel Tucson. We love this show as there are lots of great higher-end dealers and much to see. The best buy I made was some Muonionalusta Meteorite slabs at good prices. I love this material as you know if you have followed my blog.
We saw a humungous slab of almost violet amethyst as the obglitory giant amethyst cathedrals as well as a petrified wood table that you had to see to believe.
We knocked off early today to go to a SuperBowl party, but count on us to jump back in tomorrow.