Matching jewelry for weddings, or other needs, is always rewarding. Making wedding jewelry for a family wedding is especially satisfying since you get to see it all on display and in the photos.
My assignment (actually I volunteered for it) was to make wedding jewelry for our son Andrew’s wedding.
I received a basic color pallet from the bride and created a pendant from Blue Drusy enhanced with facetted Topaz. I never actually saw the wedding dress colors before the wedding, but when prior to the wedding I gave the jewelry to Tricia, I was assured that it was a great match. Bonnie created a pair of earrings to match the ensemble.
Our daughter Holly attended from Tucson and she had the task of finding something to wear from our jewelry inventory. She picked out a lovely Lepidolite that coordinated with her deep purple dress perfectly.
This left me with Bonnie (mother of the groom). I knew to wait until she decided on a dress, then matched it with a beautiful Victoria Stone Set. With Victoria Stone you almost have to use pieces from the same stone to make a perfectly matched earring set.
Because of my vast knowledge of gemstones colors, I immediately know what might match almost any dress. There are some rules. First the palette (dress) cannot be so “busy” or the jewelry gets lost in a gaudy pattern. Jewelry always stands out better on a plain, colored background. Bonnie has many one colored tops, that we call “jewelry shirts”, and she’ll say ‘What should I wear today”? She’ll either chose a shirt, and match jewelry, or pick jewelry and find a shirt to go with it. This is why you should have a large inventory of Snob Appeal Jewelry, as well as a good selection of colored tops.
Back to the wedding jewelry and Victoria Stone. I chose Yellow-Green Victoria Stone; one of the more obscure colors that were made. If you want to know more about Victoria Stone, you can refer to my blog on the subject (
We still have a good inventory of original Victoria Stone from the 60s and 70s for sale on this site. So get retro and buy a couple pieces. This is a true Gemstone from the Wonder Years (They quit making it around 1980).
From Left to Right: Bonnie, Don, Tricia Reed, Andrew Reed, Holly (Reed) Zetts, Scarlett Zets, Matt Zetts. The girls all dressed with matching Jewelry.
The wedding was BEAUTIFUL: the jewelry made a perfect contribution.
Bonnie and I love making custom jewelry, and on numerous occasions have matching sets to go with any garb. Bonnie makes more matching earrings than I make matching pendants. Our earrings (even custom ones), are very reasonable. Contact us for any custom projects.