Monthly Archives: December 2024

Don’s Christmas Gift on Christmas Eve

I’m a difficult person to buy a gift for. If I really need something, I generally just buy it. If I see something, I didn’t know I needed, it’s in my cart. There are very few surprises at Christmas for me or my bride, Bonnie.

If she sees a book she likes, or some clothing she wants, she’ll pont is out and say, “That might be a good gift”. We must act immediately, because we forget as soon as we leave a store. I tell Bonnie, not to look in the bag we just purchased. If we purchase these wanted gifts, long enough before Christmas, we’re perhaps good with a surprise Christmas gift, because we forget we told each other to get them.

The bail, of my Christmas gift, is elegant, yet simple.

Bonnie says; “Our big problem is if we buy gifts early, we forget where we hid them”.

When it comes to jewelry, I can usually make something that I believe Bonnie might like. Jewelry can be a surprise, most of the time. Sometimes Bonnie may unintentionally snoop, and see something she’ not supposed to. She might see something while placing a gift for me, in the same “secret” hiding spot that I have hidden a gift for her.

I occasionally find a Stone that I covet for a pendant. I make a pendant for me. I just can’t say to myself; “I better find someone that can make a pendant”, then realize I like how I make jewelry, and sometimes I get lucky and make a nice piece. I’ll take a chance on me, instead of Asian or India made, sub-par jewelry.. Like Oscar the Grouch I think: “Me can make this”.

Making Jewelry for Myself

By making my own Christmas Jewelry, I can cut out the middle man. If I hate what I made for “Me”, I do not have to return it to the store for a refund. I do not have to complain about how this Pendant looks. I do not have to “hint” to anyone as to what a great Christmas Gift this would make. I do not have to gripe about foriegn made junk, poor quality, or price. I CAN ACTUALLY WEAR MY SELF-MADE GIFT IMMEDIATELY. I do not have to worry about hiding this jewelry gift, then forgetting where it is. I do not Most of all I DON’T HAVE TO WRAP IT! NO!? I do have to wrap it, but I don’t have to GIFT wrap it.

Let’s combine these and see what happens

Most Guys Hate to Wrap Gifts

I know that a lot of guys (most guys) hate to wrap gifts. When a guy orders jewelry from us, it’s our practice to include a nice little draw-string gift bag with ordered jewelry in it.. This saves our “guy” customers from wrapping said jewelry. Just “stuff it in a stocking” makes most guys happy, happy, happy.

If I make a Christmas gift for myself, there are so many benefits, it’s magical.

My self-made, custom made Christmas gift is a pendant I dreamt of. I awakened at 2am, and got started on my gift. By tackling my own surprise gift; getting it started, and placing it on my workbench, I will not forget to finish said gift, or remember who’s gift I was making.

Let’s see the jewelry Don

Copper Fire Brick tops a Snowflake Mohawkite. Both are sealed with two-part Epoxy. The Firebrick is sealed to prevent future tarnishing, and the Mohawkite is sealed as an overabundance or caution (it contains Arsenides, but is perfectly safe if sealed).
This just might be my favorite Christmas Gift!

These two Copper Country beauties were cut into designer shapes, and put together. You can clearly see this pendant is fairly large (by the walking Liberty Half Dollar). The size is perfect for me.

I carefully wrapped this pendant in Pink Gold and Agentium Sterling. The belt is 24g Pink Gold (Rose Gold) half round. The belt wraps completely around, covering the break between the stones, and locking both stones together. The stones would have remained together without the belt, but this pendant just looks so much cooler with the belt.

The back of my Santa-created pendant has A locking, and tightening buckle, that secures everything in place. I designed the one-of-a-kind locking buckle, so it lays flat and will not catch on any sweater or other clothing..

This year I have produced quite a few custom pieces, made from customers’ Stones. We’ve filled stockings with beautiful jewelry, and already have gotten glowing reviews for our service and products. I enjoy making nostalgic jewelry for clients, from their treasured stones.

I’ve been backlogged for a while, but finally have finished my custom projects. I know I’ve made many people happy, and that makes me happy. Now I’ve made “ME’ really happy, with a new Santa Made Pendant..

Enjoy the Holidays!

Shrinkflation and Cheap Imported Jewelry

Ranting about price increases

Mitimbe, Australia is one of the countries most famous Opal areas. This “Pin Fire”, multi- colored solid opal is dressed in a plethora of pastel bits, like they were salted in this mix.

Bonnie mentioned that I have not written a blog in some time. I have decided to rant a bit about the issue of companies “shrinking” things to make up for rising prices.

Polyhedral Agate. Very cool stuff (if you can find it).
Michigan’s Official State stone in the Petoskey Stone and the State Gemstone in the Isle Royale Greenstone. This pendant is a premium example of both stones in one amazing pendant.

Every time we go to the store, we notice the shrinking of cans, or the reduction of sizes. A half gallon of Ice cream is no longer a true half gallon. Tiny half-sized cans of hash have recently appeared on shelves. Cans of soup are about half the size they used to be. Even things like Kentucky Fried Chicken have shrunk from Broiler size pieces to Fryer size pieces, but the prices have not dropped. In many cases the smaller sizes cost more than the original size.

Silver Stardust beads enhance a remarkable Drusy Quartz (that probably does not need enhancing) but doesn’t it look fabulous with the beads?
A Float Copper with Quartz inclusions. This is really unique.

When our government raised the minimum wage, the cost of everything has increased; what can companies do? They either increase their prices, or reduce sizes; charging the same money for their goods.

The pendant on the left is Datolite with Copper inclusions (Or Copper with Datolite Inclusions). One the right are a pair of Copper Agates. The top right one is the largest Copper Agate I personally found.
5 Greenstone pendants, wrapped in silver wire
These Isle Royale Greenstones came off Isle Royale 65 Years ago. I decidded that these all had to be wrapped in Argentium Sterling.

A good example of this is fish sandwich at McDonalds. Fish sandwiches used to be fairly large and tasty. NOW, instead of a McFish, they’re a McMinnow, featuring tiny buns and a less than satisfying filet. When you pay fast food workers $20 an hour, you are forced to change things in order to be profitable.

How Inflation affects our business

Centennial Datolite is one of the Copper Country’s Favorites

In our jewelry business, even though we try to keep prices down, it is increasingly difficult. Gold, for example, is above $2,600 an ounce. When I started making jewelry, it was under $500. (OK, so I’m older). Small businesses, like ours, suffer with increases like this. Findings, stones, and beads, have also gone up.

I can either make things cheaper, by skimping on quality (like many), or maintain my quality. I could, instead of using 14k double gold fill wire, use gold fill or 10k gold, like many are doing. To the normal consumer, this would be hard to tell the difference. I could use regular Sterling Silver, instead of Tarnish Resistant Argentium Sterling. This would probably not be noticed by most.

I refuse to Compromise on the Quality of my Jewelry

Amethyst Lace Agate. I let the bottom swing free.

Having this attitude, I realize that many consumers would rather purchase less expensive 10k gold fill, or cheap foreign made goods, made with sketchy metal.

I love these multiple Trilobites
A very rare coloration in Ocean Jasper. This variety of Obicular Jasper has been mined out for a decade. Originally it came from the ocean shore of Madagascar.

I have many potential customers that say they are allergic to gold or Sterling Silver. Most are not allergic to these metals; they are allergic to the Nickel that is often added to cheap metal. Our wire is Nickel free, and costs more. Again, a quality issue, I refuse to compromise on.

Turkish Agate is normally beautiful colors, but sometimes we see Black & White.

We are not making our jewelry in China, Pakistan, or India. We are not cheaping on components or precious metals, and fight every day with inflated prices. We try to hold the line on our prices and quality. Many of our pieces of jewelry reflect prices of metal when we made the pieces, not what the current prices are. We cater to the consumers that appreciate quality at a fair price. My jewelry reflects on me. I always chose quality over cheapening.

Mohawkite was found in several mines in the Mohawk area of the Copper Country. Although it comes in Silver and Rainbow, I do like a gold one when I can find it.

We are thankful for our loyal customer base; customers that support American made, small businesses. We cannot compete with foreign companies that pay workers extremely low wages and/or mass produce much of the jewelry seen in department stores. All we can hope for is customers that appreciate our quality, integrity, and honestly.

I cannot, in good conscience, treat my customers to jewelry that is not up to my demanding standards. If Bonnie or I would not, proudly, wear a piece of our hand crafted jewelry, you will not see it sold at our shows, in our retail outlets, or on line. Quality is everything to us; But I still wish gold was $500 an Ounce!

This Montana Moss Agate is named “Yellowstone”, after the river from which it came. It looks like someone took a thick paint brush, and just threw a stripe on it. A somewhat complicated wrap.

Based on my insistence to keep my quality up, I find myself making fewer pendants; Instead trying to up my game by locating more scarce material (digging deep into my stash), and manufacturing better and more complicated jewelry. Overall our inventory is good, but I need the challenge of creating new pieces, that are unique and test my creativity. I’m upping my game, making more complicated Pendants, and using better quality material. I’m using more scarce, better quality. rare gemstones. Even though materials cost more, I have been able to use these rare gemstones, and charging what I paid for them a decade (or more) ago.