Jan 23 Partly cloudy, high of 75 (perfect)

If you get on the road early, this is what you see.
The Pow Wow is sponsored by the Quartzite Improvement Association and the Quartzite Road Runners Rock and Mineral Club. This show is the best rock show, packed full of cabs, slabs, chunks, and jewelry of all sorts. Everything is laid out on tables, in plastic trays filled with water, on the ground in piles, and you have to stay alert to not miss something!

Those that get to the Powwow early get the best pickings.
This is large, over a hundred vendors I estimate, and they seem eager to part with their goods at reasonable prices. Slabs can be found for $2-$50, depending on the stone. The thrill of the day was a treasure hunt in someone’s Blowout Sale!
There were loads of tumbled stones, bins of small slabs, and much rough rock.
We purchased slabs galore today, the most ever. I am eager to go home and make jewelry from them.
While Bonnie was making a run to the car, I purchased some tickets for a raffle from the Road Runners Club. I told the lady to give me a call when I had won. I had just set down to rest when Bonnie came back and very soon my phone rang. A man from the club called to tell me to come get my prize! They were drawing every 15 minutes, and I won in the very next drawing. I won a nice bolo tie that matched what I had on. Now my tickets are back in the drawing for the grand prize of $500, which I also expect to win. I need this extra cash so I can spend it in Tucson!

Jade Fish anyone?

Bonnie loved to pick these milk cartons.
The crowds were sparse early, then peaked around 2pm. We did something else today that I am saving to talk about when we will not be at rock shows next week.
I think we will see what is at the Tyson Wells Show tomorrow and re-visit a couple dealers that have some things I probably should have already purchased.

Halite (aka salt).