The Celebration of Agate sadly ended today with a time consuming breakdown of all our displays, and carefully putting our jewelry away for the upcoming trip and shows in the U.P.

Aerial view of the show.

Bonnie making a sale.

Wonderful display by Rock of Ages.

Rock of Ages agates.
The last day of the show added a good quantity of Fordite to my stash and three pounds of flawless Lake Superior Agates for jewelry in the future. On the whole this trip was worthwhile. Our jewelry was a show hit!
We met many rock people and remember a couple from Connecticut that plan their vacations around rock related activities. They were headed to the Kewenaw and I suggested they check in at the Seaman Museum and see if they can still register for a hunt or two in the Copper Country Mineral Retreat next week. We expect to see them on the rock pile.
The Celebration of Agates was a successful show with seminars, specimens, jewelry, and lots of learning opportunities. If you have never been to a rock show yet, be sure to attend one in your area this year!

Polka-dot Agate

Spanish Pyrite shown by the Geode Gallery

Costigan's rough rock.

A wonderful wood display.

Great marbles!