As loyal readers of The Snob Blog, you deserve to be first to receive a couple of bits of news.

The rare and collectable Pink Petoskey Stone
If you are a reader of Rocks & Minerals Magazine, watch for the May-June issue for an article by Dr. George Robinson and myself on Pink Petoskey Stones. The article was originally submitted to another magazine in an extended version. In addition to the article coming out in Rocks & Minerals I will provide you with further material!

Downtown Tucson, Arizona: We are always eager to be here.

We always look for these monumental specimens at one of the over 30 Tucson shows.
The other great news is I intend to blog each day that we are at the Quartzite and Tucson. You will feel you are actually there through my photos and text (well almost). My Tucson Blogs are the most viewed blogs I write on my website. You can check out the last couple years of them by searching back in my blog.