The floor of the Tucson Convention Center featured the among booth from Collectors Edge, the largest dealer of fine specimen rocks and minerals in Tucson.

Closeup of the Collectors Edge Display that ook up big real estate on the convention floor.
The Main Show heralds the end of the Tucson Shows every year. I am happy to have survived this mega-show, and pleased with all the awesome new things we purchased. I expect over the rest of the month to show you many amazing pieces of jewelry made from the rocks, minerals and fossils acquired as we roamed the 40 plus shows.

Even though the theme of the show was “Shades of Blue” there were many other shades also.

That’s a great Labradorite on the top shelf.

Tourmaline is everywhere.

There’s blue in this case.

Amazing Malachite.

Carved in Rainbow Obsidian by Master Carver Francisco Sotomayor, the gun, pillow, and bullets are one piece! “Peacemaker”

“Skull Dagger #2” (2014). Another Masterwork by Francisco Sotomayor. Obsidian

“Skull Dagger #1” bu Francisco Sotomayor (2014) Obsidian

Amazingly carved from Black Obsidian by Francisco Sotomayor (Obsidian is volcanic GLASS folks). Other carvers would not even attempt these things.


Quartz on Adventurine

An interesting display-Notice the autographed Babe Ruth Baseball.

Agates for sale..

If you have read the blog each day, and ogled the pictures I have taken, you only begin to understand what goes on in the largest show of its’ kind here in Tucson. You must come here and see for yourself. As usual, we are over-budget on our spending, but we always expect this, as Bonnie and I see many things we never knew we needed.

The main event at the Tucson Convention Center was packed and will be even more packed this weekend as locals, Rockhounds, and those in the gem, jewelry, and fossil trade visit the “Big Show”. The Tucson Gem & Mineral Society have been putting on the largest, oldest, and most prestigious gem and mineral show in the world since the mid-50s. Their stated goal is the promotion of rocks and minerals in every form and including Geology, Mineralology, Lapidary,and Allied earth sciences. They certaining accomplish this goal every year. The TGMS was established in 1946, and Has grown to be the king of Clubs throughout the world.

the Logan Sapphire, at 42.3 cts, the largest mounted gemstone in the National Gem Collection! It is surrounded by diamonds, and mined in Sri Lanka. You will remeber this from my AGTA Post, but this is a better picture of the amazing red tinge in the blue.

I have only brushed the surface of what takes place in Tucson. Today and tomorrow I will post many photos from the Convention Center Show. Some I will have captions on, and some I will not, but you will still enjoy them all.
Check back tomorrow for part 2.