Category Archives: Tucson Rock & Gem Shows

Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Shows-our first day


Sunny 74

The Tucson Gem, Mineral and Fossil show is expected to host 60,000 visitors as well as around 70,000 locals to the myriad of gem shows this year. The show officially opened on January 28th this year and will run until February 12th.

We decided to skip the first weekend rush and fly in on February 1st. I hope only 11 days solves my rock-buying issues!

We have heard estimates that this show will generate 76.5 million dollars and sales tax revenues of 6 million. I had to smile at the latter figure. We have never really had anyone at these shows collect any tax from us. Some honest vendors may include tax in their sales, but what we have found is that most foreign vendors like American greenbacks, and many cannot get authorization to accept credit cards so cash money is king in many places.

We generally will use our credit card with American-based vendors and others we will pay with a check or cash. I have said it before that $100 bills flow here like $1 bills flow at home.

We arrived in Tucson in time to take our first shot at unloading some money at the JOGS Gem and Jewelry Show is not far from the airport at the Tucson Expo Center (A large convention center). The show is all on one floor so it flows well and it is fairly easy to get around there, except for the occasional “bead lady”, pulling around 100# of beads in a suitcase as large as a small river barge. Many of our favorite dealers are there. This is a wholesale show that requires a sales tax license and established business credentials. You cannot, by show rules, take photos at this show. Will Don risk arrest for your benefit? Hey, maybe I can get Bonnie to take a few candid shots!

aquaYes! Don did throw caution to the wind and took a picture of this rock. I still have all my fingers and the camera.

One of the amazing things on display at the JOGS Show was the worlds largest Aquamarine displayed at the Swami Brother’s booth. The gem is rated AAA and the color shows a brilliant blue. Vitaliy Maysenberg, the promoter for JOGS Gem and Jewelry Show invited the brothers to display their stone for the first time ever, and they were kind enough to do so. Ashok Swami reveals his brother Arvind Swami found the gem inMozambiquein the year 2000. Ajay Swami, the third brother, who is usually the one who finds the gems at the mines was proud for his brother for finding this 24kg (53lbs) 120,000 carat stone. Measuring 15″ x7″x4″ it fit tightly into the safe which housed it for the last twelve years until being brought to the JOGS Gem Show.

Also I bought a substantial amount of expensive drusy of really strange colors and some new gemstones called “Bumble Bee” from Indonesia. I will expand on this one tomorrow when I take a picture.

Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Shows-Wrap Up

Sunny 85

Sun sets on Tucson-Notice no sides on the big tent.

Sun sets on Tucson-Notice no sides on the big tent.

AS quickly as it began the Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show ended yesterday. The tents are being dismantled, the hotel rooms are vacated, and the dealers are headed back to all over the world. From what I understand, the crowds have been down a little, but the buying has been up slightly. I saw some major pieces were purchased. I know the people at the Black Hills Institute are pleased after selling a couple of major fossils. I saw many other large or pricey items gone, and some boxed amethyst geodes with “Sold” signs on them.

Only one more flat-rate box being shipped out today. In the final few days, Bonnie found some bargain beads and I found an outstanding piece of Chrysoprase that I haggled to a great price.

Tucson was a winner!

Tucson was a winner!

I hate to go back to cold and snow.

I hate to go back to cold and snow.

I experience slight withdrawal each year when I cannot go out to look at rocks. I go home broke as usual, but I obtained some wonderful things to make into jewelry for the 2011 art shows we are in, as well as the website.

There was a nice activity called “Second Saturday” in Downtown Tucson with street performers and a great band playing oldies. There is sparse lighting downtown, no big sodium vapor lights or the like, so it is all sort of dark. Tucson has a light pollution ordinance so no lights are allowed to shine upward. This gave the area a Halloween-like feel, but we had great fun and some adult beverages on the way back home at Buffalo Hot Wings.

Adios Tucson.

Adios Tucson.

This will be my final Tucson Blog until we get back home next week. You will see some of the amazing things we found in our travels out here. Better photos can be taken at home. I have sent home eight large flat-rate boxes of goodies. It will be fun unpacking them and finding the things I forgot I bought.

I hope you enjoyed what I wrote here, and I appreciate all the nice comments.

Don (and Bonnie)

Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Show-Final day

Sunny 83

I gave it one last shot today at the Riverpark Inn and the Rapa River Show. About half the vendors had moved out and many more were in the process of packing up, but there were several stalwart vendors still trying for that last dollar.

I found some classic Holbrook Picture Petrified Wood that I had not observed the other times I have been in the area.

I took a few final show pictures for you all. So here they are:

The giant GJX Tent coming down-very sad.

The giant GJX Tent coming down-very sad.

Nice Malachite leftovers

Nice Malachite leftovers

Tons of Denim Lapis not sold.

Tons of Denim Lapis not sold.

More tons of Tiger Eye not sold

More tons of Tiger Eye not sold

Chrysanthemum Stone table and chairs for your deck-Requires additional bracing!

Chrysanthemum Stone table and chairs for your deck-Requires additional bracing!

Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show

Sunny 75

The shows are winding down. Many vendors are moving from their hotel rooms and the giant Tents are coming down. This is the time to be out for the bargains. Many dealers are selling things off for up to 75% off, especially bead dealers. As I write this on the morning of the 12th I see us going out one last time this afternoon to check out these bargains.

In the meantime let’s look at a few more photos I took at the Big Show on Thursday.




Just an exceptional display.

Just an exceptional display.



Unusual Pyrite from Ross County, Ohio

Unusual Pyrite from Ross County, Ohio

One of the displays was rocks and minerals featured in literature.  Some liberties were taken.

One of the displays was rocks and minerals featured in literature. Some liberties were taken.

California Native Gold (A lot of this was on display as to be expected)

California Native Gold (A lot of this was on display as to be expected)

Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Show-The Main Event

Sunny 70

The Tucson Gem & Mineral Show featured the Mineral Treasures of California this year. Many of these specimens I saw a couple years ago when the show featured the most famous mines and mineral locations from around the U.S. It was great to see them again.

The famous Cullinan Diamond Necklace from the Smithsonian

The famous Cullinan Diamond Necklace from the Smithsonian

The priceless Cullinan Diamond Necklace from the Smithsonian was on display. Next to the Hope Diamond that it usually sits next to, it is the most valuable jewelry piece the Smithsonian Museum possesses. Yes it was well guarded. The silver necklace has an elaborate bow motif, the 251 diamonds curving into the loops and then the ribbon-shaped arms. An oval-shaped pendant with a 2.6-carat blue diamond drops from the center of the bow, part of the 5.32-carat total of blues.

One of the other multi million dollar pieces is the Tourmaline below which was closely guarded by Tucson’s finest. This specimen is the Tourmaline on the Tucson Gem Show Official Poster for 2011. It is from the Tourmaline Queen Mine in San Diego County.

One of the finest Elbaite (tourmaline) specimens ever found, worth millions.  Notice guard.

One of the finest Elbaite (tourmaline) specimens ever found, worth millions. Notice guard.

Whenever I see a member of the Tucson PD sitting next to a case, I know what is inside is priceless OR worth millions. So I will ID these pieces under each photo. I think California was well represented by fabulous gold nuggets, wonderful gemstones from the pegmatites of San Diego County, and hidden treasures from the mountains. Benitoite

California Gold

California Gold

I took loads of photos and can only show you a small selection in this blog. You just have to be here to take in all the spectacle.

One dealer really went the distance and all their employees dressed in gold rush era costumes.


Gold rush girl

Spodumene beauty

Spodumene beauty

Pink Spudomene

Pink Spudomene

We ran into the Seamen Mineral Museum Director Ted Bornhurst, and had a nice conversation about progress on the new museum building (Houghton, Michigan). After capping the mineshaft they hit while excavating there have been a few more glitches with unexpected expenses. He reported that the museum is on schedule for an August grand opening, but with only partial displays set up. Setting a new place up is a daunting task, and it will take some time to finish it.

Ausrox-Austrailian Gold Nugget

Ausrox-Austrailian Gold Nugget

To get back to the displays, the huge AusRox Nugget was on display. This is a gold nugget found by metal detector early in 2010 in the Eastern Gold Fields, Western Australia. It weighs 23.26kg or 748 troy ounces. AMAZING-51 1/4 Pounds if I calculated correctly.

A nice display of California Specimens

A nice display of California Specimens

Look close at these!

Look close at these!


Nothing but Tourmaline.

Nothing but Tourmaline.

Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Shows

73 sunny and very windy

Wind dust and debris were flying all over at Electric Park. Our buddies Marshall and Mary Collins’ stuff was flying. We saw John & Jane Matz and Don & Katie Brown from our club searching for treasures at the RV Show. Wind does not effect the staunch rockhound.

A day for free-styling. We ended up at Electric Park today looking at the RV Show again and roaming around over to the main show area. I saw some more unusual things I missed the last couple time I was there. You know how weird things attract me, so I took some photos for your enjoyment.

I was totally scared at this booth.

I was totally scared at this booth.

Another strange thing at the rock show.

Another strange thing at the rock show.

Remember that big pile of steer heads I took a picture of earlier.  It looks like only the rejects are left.

Remember that big pile of steer heads I took a picture of earlier. It looks like only the rejects are left.

I mentioned the gun booth in an earlier blog

I mentioned the gun booth in an earlier blog

And in conclusion, I’m so excited! I heard rumors that Diamond Pacific had a brand new cabochon machine they were introducing at this show. THE “XPERT” is a 7-wheeled unit with 1-3/4″ of space between wheels. This is the same wheel spacing at the Diamond Pacific Titan has. It takes the same 6″ wheels that the Genie uses. The unit has adapters that allow both end wheels to be spun off by hand and the 1/3hp motor is in the rear of the machine. This is bigger than the 1/4hp motor the Genie has. The motor is in the rear, so the unit is no wider then the Genie. It is belt driven and the water pump is easily accessed in the rear. Areas exposed to water are both galvanized and powder coated and the screws are stainless. The recommended wholesale price is $1875, but from a motivated dealer you may find it cheaper. Did I buy one? You bet I did . My dream machine is a Titan, but at a smaller price, this machine will do me for a long time. I tried to buy the demo model Bill was using, but he said that the unit serial number was oo1 and he had claimed this unit as his own. It doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ve loved my Genie, and now I plan to love my Xpert! Diamond Pacific does not have this unit on its website yet. I guess I’ve got to go back and grab a photo for you.

Diamond Pacific Xpert

Diamond Pacific Xpert

A table full of weird birds!

A table full of weird birds!

You'd need a big loader to move these to your yard.  My fried Gary's barn would look better with one of these sitting beside it.

You'd need a big loader to move these to your yard. My friend Gary's barn would look better with one of these sitting beside it.

Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Shows

Sunny 65

The tallest of the many amethyst geodes at this years show.  This one I estimated at 20' tall with a large while quartz crystal inside it at the top.  I did not bother to ask how much it was.

The tallest of the many amethyst geodes at this years show. This one I estimated at 20' tall with a large white quartz crystal inside it at the top. I did not bother to ask how much it was.

Starting at the south end of “the strip” along I-10 we walked the shows from South to North. Starting at the LaQuinta, then Howard Johnson’s, the Riverpark Inn, Rapa River Show, and finally Days Inn. This is a lot of shops to see and ground to cover. The dumb move was buying 4 pounds of Ocean Jasper first thing and having to carry it over two miles down the strip, then back to our parking spot. Ocean Jasper has so many colors and neat patterns, it is easy to want more. At least I didn’t get the 60 pound box I was thinking about…

Sorting Ocean Jasper.

Sorting Ocean Jasper.

Nice finds!

Nice finds!

We found a dealer with some really nice facetted gems at a reasonable price. Bonnie bought some beads, and she finished off with a copper roadrunner to hang in our daughter’s garden.

We just mostly looked and took some pictures for you. Not a big crowd today. We went in the afternoon and I expect many of them were consuming adult beverages and watching the Superbowl.

Tons of rough rock.

Tons of rough rock.

No shortage of Ocean Jasper.

No shortage of Ocean Jasper.

Dyed Brazilian Agate Slabs.

Dyed Brazilian Agate Slabs.

Dragon Carving.

Dragon Carving.

Amazing detail in dragon carving.

Amazing detail in dragon carving.

More amazing carvings.  Notice the snake on the skull and the ruby/zoisite face on the lion.

More amazing carvings. Notice the snake on the skull and the ruby/zoisite face on the lion.

What happen to the poor cactus during last week's freeze.

What happened to the poor cactus during last week's freeze.

Tucson Rock, Gem, and Fossil Shows

Sunny 65

Now doesn't this look like the wild west?

Now doesn't this look like the wild west?

Another wild west classic.

Another wild west classic.

We needed a break from the shows today. There are huge crowds at the shows, in general, for the next couple days. We actually drove by a few shows and the lots were jam packed. A side trip to Old Tucson was on the agenda.

This is what my name would be in china (Don Lee)

This is what my name would be in china (Don Lee)

Old Tucson, back in the day, was a popular movie studio for westerns like Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza, The Wild Wild West (both the tv shows and the Wil Smith movie), and numerous movies with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and the lot. You could do some on-line research if you want to know more. I think it has been 10-15 years since a movie was made there.

The place is just a tourist destination now, with a little train ride, a tacky haunted mine funhouse, some horse and stagecoach rides, and a few restaurants. We enjoyed a couple funny cowboy comedy shows and an wild west shoot-’em-up action adventure. Good fun.

Bird bath at Electric Park.

Bird bath at Electric Park.

A whopper Zoisite filled with rubies. $4g.  Electric Park RV

A whopper Zoisite filled with rubies. $4g. Electric Park RV

After the Tourist Trap we stopped in at the RV Show at Electric Park, made a quick go-round and bought some rocks to cut. We never went to the main show at Electric Park because we did not want to fight the crowds. Bonnie bought some petrified wood beads. She got a strand last year, but kept the necklace for herself. Maybe this time a customer will get a chance at it! She did pick the ones with the most color. We did enjoy returning and talking with vendors for a second time. Maybe more rock hunting tomorrow, but there is the crowds, plus the Super Bowl to consider. We’ll see what happens.

Tucson Rock, Gem, and Fossil Shows

55 & sunny

Earlier this week I purchased some extra fine Trilobites from a guy from Delta, Utah. One of the Trilobites was a large “bug” with a little baby at its’ side. I make wire-wrapped trilobite pendants and this will make a very special one.

Madonna-bite and baby-bite

Madonna-bite and baby-bite

Delta is famous for Trilobites and this one is great. I was so impressed with this cutie that I went back to see if there were more. He did indeed have a stashed box of multiple Trilobites. One of the new ones has a baby riding on top of its’ mama. This was at the Hotel Tucson City Center at the Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show (I know, we’ve been there three times).

Upstairs we noticed a camera crew that was set up for some taping of Steve Arnold, one of the Meteorite Men. We watched this happening as Steve tried to coax a good interview out of a little girl. Her dad said she talked all the time, but when the camera was taping she was a bit shy.

Good luck with this interview Steve.

Good luck with this interview Steve.

We ran into both Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold as they finished lunch and they graciously consented to a picture. We chatted and Geoff mentioned that one of his friends ask him how his voice was? He asked how she knew his voice was gone and she mentioned it was mentioned on a blog (mine). I told Geoff it was my blog where I mentioned we saw him at the Electric Park Show. Anyway, I’m pleased to report Geoff’s voice is back. Geoff said he enjoyed the blog. Thanks for checking me out Geoff. We were also impressed with Steve’s watch with its Muonionalusta face (you remember my favorite meteorites); very cool Steve. We found these guys to be just regular guys, not pretentious at all; very friendly and approachable. Just two normal guys with a cool job. Thanks guys. We’ll keep watching your adventures.

Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold-The Meteorite Men

Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold-The Meteorite Men

I should mention Geoff Notkin’s owns Aerolite Meteorites, LLC and his website website is, and Steve Arnolds is also a very cool site with videos at You can also check on the Meteorite Men at

Bonnie doesn't know what snuck up behind her.

Bonnie doesn't know a cave bear just snuck up behind her.

We ran into John and Jane Matz from our rock club in Traverse City. It’s a small world.

We decided to check out the Main Avenue Mineral Fair and other small shows in the area. Most of these shows were comprised of Moroccans selling their fossils. I don’t buy them because it is so difficult to tell real from fake with their stuff. We did find one warehouse with a great deal of rough rock. I purchased some Picasso Marble, Exotica Jasper, and Sodalite.

Giant garnets.

Giant garnets.

Cavansite from India

Cavansite from India

Mara Mamba Tigers eye from Austrailia

Mara Mamba Tigers eye from Australia

It’s going to be warmer tomorrow, but maybe we’ll avoid the shows and crowds.

Sonoran Hot Dog

This is a bonus post for those of you that want to experience a taste treat famous in Tucson, the Sonoran Hot Dog.

I went to El Guero (pronounced weh doe) Canelo. 5201 S. 12th Ave. 295-9005. 2480 N. Oracle Road
This place is sort of a run down walk up business with primarily hispanic clientele. You park, go to a window in the block building and order. I ordered the “Sammy” which is a Sonoran with 2 dogs. What can best be described as the grill master is preparing these dogs in an outside area, and this guy is fast. You order and he whips them up pronto. After eating the hot dog, I came to realize you can’t tell a book by its’ cover.

This is how I observed it done:

Sonoran hot dog recipe

  • Get a beef hot dog and wrap it like a mummy with bacon. Mesquite bacon is good.
  • Fry it on a griddle until the bacon gets crisp. Some people like to fry the bacon a little first and then wrap it around the hot dog and then fry them both in the bacon grease. We know anything fried in bacon grease is going to be tasty!
  • Take a hot dog bun or bolillo roll that has been slit to make a pocket in the middle. If you want you can toast them a little or, in the case of the bolillo roll, steam it for a minute to make it soft. These buns are very soft and fluffy unlike the hot dog buns we see at home. Work with what you have on hand or what you feel like.
  • Put mayo, mustard and ketchup on the bun and insert the bacon-wrapped dog. If you want to squirt the mayo on top, like they do at the stands, mix it with a little lemon juice or water to thin it out. Put it into a squeeze bottle or sandwich bag with a corner cut off and squeeze it on top when you are done, along with the mustard and ketchup.
  • Add warm pinto beans, cheese (shredded Mexican cotijo cheese, cheddar, whatever), chopped tomatoes, chopped onions, sliced or blended jalapenos or some type of jalapeno/green chili salsa.
  • This is served with a large, grilled hot yellow pepper that is very yummy and sweet, but after a minute heats up your mouth. This fresh-grilled jalapeno that is served on the side is fully 2/3 the length of the hot dog. This is when you need a beer, or a warm 12 oz Pepsi or Coke imported from Mexico. If you don’t want to look like a Gringo, you drink it warm (no ice), from the bottle, like the Mexicans do.
  • The Mexicans say just throw anything you like on the dog.
  • These were featured on the Food Channel. Now I can cross this off my bucket list. Hey; these dogs give the artery clearing medication something to do.

The price of these dogs is only about $2.50 or $3.50 for a Sammy.

If you want to know more about the Sonoran dog or the restaurant, look it up. I also had a Sonoran Dog at BK Tacos in Tucson, and it too was tasty, but it did not seem the same as the one I got at El Guero Canelo.