We have been very busy making new jewelry for the past few weeks. The Pink Petoskey (Pink Pet) activity has also taken up time with making cabochons, wrapping them, and polishing Pink Pets for web sales. At last count there are over 30 polished Pink Pets on this site; take a look. The May/June issue of Rocks and Minerals Magazine features an article by myself and Dr. George Robinson on the illusive Pink Petoskey Stones of Northern Michigan.
I daily look through my cabochon collection and choose possibilities for wire wrapping. My mood changes from day to day, so whatever inspires me, I select. Yesterday a lovely rosy pink Rhodochrosite grabbed my attention.
I knew this pendant would be a challenge because it was a rectangle. Squares and rectangles are a challenge for several reasons. The cab has to be very precisely calibrated from side to side and top to bottom or you will notice the imbalance immediately. Secondly, the wire wrapping has to be dead on from side to side and top to bottom. Thirdly, wire cannot be “pulled” around corners, so squares and rectangles must be made one side at a time. Advanced skills are required for this type of wrapping. This is why you do not see many wire wrappers doing squares, rectangles, or round shapes. This type of wire wrapping is very detailed and time consuming.
I have been looking at this large (2″ X 1 -1/4 “) Rhodochrosite cab for a few years off and on. In recent years Brown Rhodochrosite has become more expensive than normal pink Rhodocrosite. Years ago the miners in Argentina threw away Rhodocrosite containing browns as unacceptable. The value of this gemstone has substantially increased for the past several years. It is difficult to find nice Brown Rhodochrosite without pits, and this quality costs $$$. The brown coloration is a result of impurities in the stone. So finally this stone has a chance to shine.
Here are a couple other items from my workbench this week.
Bonnie claimed a recent Pink Petoskey Stone Pendant as her own. She normally likes all the stuff I make, and is honest in her opinions of my wire wrapping. Sometimes she just really likes a piece, and this was the case here. Click on this link to Pink Petoskey Stone Pendants as I do have lots of other Petoskey Stone jewelry available for purchase, just not this one!

Beth's new treasure. Thanks for being patient.
My good friend John gave me a geode slice a few months ago after we came back from the Tucson rock shows. During the Tucson unpacking frenzy I misplaced the stone and forgot about it until John asked me about it. This put me on a full alert to find it. I found a little silver cloth bag on my bookshelf, looked inside, and found the stone. I should have been looking for a silver bag instead of a stone. It was right where I put it, as Bonnie would say.
I had talked to John, previously, about putting a gemstone in the crystal cave of the stone, but was inspired when three Topaz’ fit perfectly in the pocket. Beth (John’s wife) loves her new piece of jewelry. Again, this piece is spoken for, but perhaps you would like to look at some other gems by following these links: Crazy Lace Agate Pendants, Ocean Jasper, Pietersite, or the every sparkly Victoria Stone.