August 15th

Beautiful sunset from the top of Brockway Mountain.
Bonnie and I went out rock hunting with our friends Chris and Crystal today. We started at an old mine that is not on any map where we found U.P. Thomsonite (Prehnite nodules and nice Patricianite which is a mix of pink and green prehnite with bits of copper. It is a wonderful cutting material. Crystal found a few Greenstones.
It was quite sunny and hot on this first pile so we headed to Thomsonite Hill near Eagle Harbor and dug a bit of Prehnite under and old pine tree. I was not real excited and we all bailed out of there and found a logging road a couple years old. I hunted the road for small prenite nodules and Datolite. The road was constructed from tailing out of the Delaware mine so there is always the possibility for datolite. Bonnie and I each found a Datolite. Bonnie’s Datolite was much nicer than mine. I can see I’ll have to make her another pendant (but that’s what I do).

Chris with his first piece of Float Copper. I'm surprised he stood still for this picture as excited as he was.

Chris' float copper after preliminary cleaning.
I told Chris that these logging operations are often times great for finding float copper. Float copper was gouged out and carried by glaciers in the area. Pieces have been found weighing several tons. Chris grabbed his trusty White and headed into the bush. Within 10 minutes he had a nice two to three pond piece of float copper. Finding a nice piece of float copper has been Chris’ goal and I really have never seen him so excited. So, in honor of Chris’ first “floater” I dedicate this blog to him.
Later he cleaned the copper up and brought it to our campsite at Fort Wilkins State Park. What a great find! We have to go back to the bush Wednesday and find some more. I forgot my detector today, but I will have it Wednesday. I’ll keep you all informed.