We’ll remember 2020 for COVID-19 and restaurants closed on Mother’s Day. Even though the family was self isolating, it was rewarding to make some fine jewelry in hopes that the economy will improve eventually.

I think the happy Beanie Babies, and the happy jewelry may cheer you up.

Except for Bonnie’s Pendant, all these jewelry creations are for sale. Call or E-Mail us if you are interested.

Bonnie’s Mother’s Day Pendant was this spectacular Firebrick and Franklin Datolite. The Datolite has copper lightning!

I named this pendant “Stems”. Crinoud soup with some spices.

A designer style Pink and Blue Petoskey.

A nice Pink Pet. A few flaws, but great pink.

A perfect North Shore Thomsonite coupled with two matched Greenstone from Isle Royale. The wave and Ice would have ground these Greenstone to dust, had they not been harvested 60 years ago.

Self isolation is a perfect time to dig deep into my old material and find some special and unusual gemstones. Bonnie has fun rooting around in the pole barn, to find special rocks. While I play in the shop, she will come in often, all excited about something new she found. “When’s the last time you saw this?”, she will say. “Maybe 20 year ago; or 30; or never.” I might reply. Sometimes I too am so excited, I grab that rock, and instantly cut it, making a gem right away.
Please support us, and other small businesses, as we are challenged by current conditions. Think “Made in the USA” as you make your purchases. Thanks for the support.