For St. Patricks, my gift to you is some of my favorite green pendants from past to present. Many of these I am very proud of as some of my best work. Join me as I look at favorite green gemstone jewelry.

Easy picking of Turquoise at the Tucson Gem Shows.
Jade is one of the automatic gemstones that you think of as being green. I found a rare Catseye Jade from Russia a couple years back and teamed it with Moonstone to create a striking multi-phenominal pendant.
Malachite is another green gemstone with striking patterns.
Turquoise and its relative Variscite are a couple other great green stones that cover many shades on the color wheel.

Apple green Chrysoprase.
Chrysoprase is the most valuable Quartz and is famous for its luscious apple green coloration.
Something that resembles Jade is Meta-Jade, the rare pre-runner to Victoria Stone. You really cannot tell it from Imperial Jade.
Dark green Victoria Stone is one of the most sought after colors from this long gone gemstone.
Azurite/Malachite would look good for a St. Patrick’s Day Pendant.

A closeup for you viewing pleasure.
Sometimes wonderful greens are present in Royal Imperial Jasper.
My favorite green stone is Michigan’s State Gem, the Isle Royal Greenstone. As you can see, you don’t have to be Irish to love green stones or greenstone jewelry.