I thought you would like to see a small sample of what you would see when you visit the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum.

THE most spectacular native Copper specimens in the world.

Copper Included Calcite
The new museum opened just over a year ago under the direction of Dr. Ted Bornhorst and Curator Dr. George Robinson.

The famous "Grasshopper" (Native Copper)
The Seaman is Michigan’s Official State Mineral Museum, located on the Michigan Technological University Campus in Houghton. A brand new museum building houses one of the most remarkable collections of rocks & minerals in the world.

There is no other museum, including the Smithsonium, that houses the premier collection of Upper Peninsula Minerals that you see at the Seaman. Also you will not want to miss the amazing fluorescent display room, and the many “best in the world” specimens scattered thoughout this museum.
All the new, locally manufactured, custom display cases seem to be a perfect fit, and the lighting in the Seaman Museum is just perfect. Much thought went into the entire structure, except,”what do you do if you hit an old mine shaft during construction?”. You can read the interesting story from the building construction at The Mining Gazette. And you know the story eventually had a happy ending!

One of the Mineral Galleries at the Seaman

Pegmatite Display

A temporary display on loan from a private collection.
Many people, from around the world, make a pilgrimage to this out-of-the-way locale just to see this world-class museum. YOU would be remiss if you missed this marvelous and incredible museum. You might even have a Pasty after your explorations in the A.E. Seaman Museum.