My productive streak continues with custom work
We sold a wide variety of jewelry in 2022.
We are well known for our Great Lakes Rocks & Minerals (that’s a given), but we are also known for our custom jewelry, and our eclectic collection of rare and unusual ,world-wide, precious and semiprecious gemstones.
Just within the last week, I made a pendant for a customer in Biloxi, Mississippi. He found a beautiful stone on the beach in the state of Washington. He was unsure of what the stone was, and with a bit of research, I determined what he sent me was a piece of Ohanapecosh formation breccia from the older Cascades. The stone was glacially transported from the Mt. Rainier area to the beach where he found it. The identification was not common knowledge to me, or for most anyone else. Obscure; you bet. Just the type of rock I love. This stone was very nostalgic for the owner. I really enjoyed making something for his lady (and she loved it).

Wow, that’s a mouthful–I will have to try to work that name into my daily conversations, from here on out.
This stone was absolutely stunning and incredible, a custom piece.
New pendants from the work bench

Amber Gold Pendant

Candy Flecks Pudding Stone Pendant

I could not believe an oval port with Kilroy looking out; like a “Kilroy was here” feel.
Kilroy Lake Superior Agate Pendant
Even a short blog takes time some time to write, take pictures, and publish. Some never miss our blog, others stumble onto it, and others do not connect at all. These little blogs do help us with Internet standing. Snob Appeal jewelry is not a Rock Star. We do not get a million people reading this blog. In other ways we are Rock Stars.
Our jewelry Rocks. Our jewelry has Rocks in it. Our jewelry can Rock you. Our jewelry is not made from rocks you commonly find in your local jewelry store (and we don’t want to be). Our goal is to make you something unique. Thank everyone that supports local small businesses, and thank everyone that supports Snob Appeal Jewelry. You mean a lot to us.