One of the boneyards. If you bought one Buffalo it is around $100 and the more you buy the cheaper they are.
The eclectic rock show at the Kino Sports Complex is always one of our top rock shopping venues. From rough rock, Lapidary Equipment, Jewelry, it’s a rock lover’s paradise. It seems on the average there are more unexpected items here than at most other shows around town. Antique Guns, large rock yard art, beautiful, carved statues, wood carvings, rock paintings, Metal Art, and imported bizarre clothing and had made belts and Buffalo Hide wallets are found. I always enjoy the variety at the Kino Rock Show.

Pure German Silicon. If I would have stepped two steps to my left that stuff would reflect so bright you could not look at it.

This banded Jasper/Hematite from Australia was so shiny and reflective, I could hardly get a picture.

Diamond Pacific had a new flat lap that is higher up, angled for comfort, and magnetic laps. I liked this unit.

American Frontier Lapidary Supply Company had great rough. Go see my friend Damon Essig; you’ll like his material and prices.
The 22nd Street Show brags that they have the greatest attendance, but by the crowds, you might think that honor goes to Kino. Kino is the place where we go to look for things we didn’t know we needed. Let’s swing through the Kino Show, with lots of pictures and fun. The people and goods are like a giant outdoor Walmart on steroids. I think I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.