The blue form of Pectolite, Larimar varies widely in shades of blue, quality, and price.
Seeking an eye-catching Sea Blue colored stone streaked with crystal white, a customer once asked us “What is that stone that looks like the ocean waves rolling up on the sandy beach?” We knew it could only be Larimar, appropriately mined only on a single island in the whole world, near Bahoruco and other small towns in the Dominican Republic. This Caribbean treasure was once called Stefilia’s Stone, but is actually a blue form of the mineral Pectolite. The normal color of Pectolite is white or gray, but a little Cobalt does wonders for this otherwise ordinary mineral. Doesn’t Larimar sound better than Pectolite? The makeup of Pectolite (Larimar) is NaCa2Si3O8(OH) or sodium calcium inosilicate hydroxide.
This lovely blue stone was originally discovered in 1916, but nothing was made of it until a rediscovery of the stones by a Miguel Méndez and Peace Corp volunteer Norman Rilling. in 1974. Miguel took his young daughter’s name Larissa and the Spanish word for sea (mar) and formed Larimar, by the colors of the water of the Caribbean Sea, where it was found. This information was gleaned from Wikipedia.
A mine soon opened, but mining conditions were terrible. Tunnels collapsed, miners were electrocuted by faulty wiring, and miners lost their lives digging the mineral out. I talked to one of the former owners of a Larimar mine. I say former because the main mine has changed hands several times. The former owner told me that she went bankrupt trying to bring her mine up to strict Government standards put into effect because of the deaths at the mine. There are numerous Larimar mines west of the village of Jose Joaquin. Many of these mines are simply small holes in the hillside, dangerously shored up. The larger mines are well run and care is taken in mining safety.

Larimar drop earrings (Bonnie Reed design)
I am not really sure how rare Larimar actually is, but it is a one-source gemstone and expensive to mine. There always seems to be a good quantity around the shows in Tucson, and Larimar has been mined for near 40 years, so there is a lot around. The quality varies widely, as do the prices. The best quality, pricey larimar is inclusion free, beautiful blue with good pattern, while the poorer grade has inclusions, discoloration, and often a poor pattern.
Larimar is very brittle, and care must be taken when working with it. If careful, you can get a beautiful polish on it.
Larimar jewelry is very popular with cruise ship passengers in the sailing the Caribbean. Jewelry is available on the ships, in the ports of call, and even and roadside vendors. It is possible to see some of the mines if you make arrangements at some of the hotels in the area. People buy Larimar as a souvenir of their vacations. I see people wearing this gemstone at most of the art shows where we sell our jewelry, and often they are looking for a piece to accompany their vacation souvenir. We offer jewelry at prices easily competitive with these souvenirs.
Over the years I have made and sold many Larimar pieces. I have one dealer, that specializes in the very best Larimar, I visit every year in Tucson. High quality Larimar is quite expensive.
Recently I made the most beautiful Larimar pendant I have every made. Bonnie said it was the “Pendant of the Year”, and I cannot disagree with her assessment. The perfect gem grade Larimar is approximately 2″ tall and 1 1/2″ wide. I’ve been saving it waiting for inspiration to come over me. One day, an idea formed, and so did the pendant! I wrapped it in Gold Gold and Pink Gold. Wearing this on a large ribbon omega would be very impressive.

Larimar Post earrings.
We also have other Larimar products. Many people ask for earrings to match their souvenir that they purchased on vacation. Bonnie is happy to make earrings from our inventory of Larimar Beads.
We are not alone in our love of Larimar. There is something magical about the mystical patterns and the gorgeous pastel blue color that makes people happy. You just feel better every time you look at Larimar. But be warned–compliments will freely flow while your mind may be thinking of ocean waves washing up on the shore!