I had a knee replaced a couple weeks ago. This has given me substantial blocks of time that I am using to make jewelry. This jewelry is comprised of pieces that have been on my to-do list, but up till this time I have not had the time to get it done. The pain medication I’ve been taking has caused drowsiness at some unexpected times, and at other times keeps me wide awake in the middle of the night. I have found that I can be quite productive when it is very quiet in the house and I am in complete focus. I have made a few really complicated pendants that I just have not had the time to do previously. Also I thought I would catch up on some really fine small greenstone pendants. These are from very nice Michigan Greenstones (chlorastrolite) and do not exceed one inch in height. Anyone that has wire wrapped can testify that smaller pendants and earrings are not easy to make. They take more care and finesse than regular sized pendants. The 24 gauge wire I use to make these pendants is delicate, easily scratched and gouged, and requires a skilled and steady hand. However, the resulting greenstone pendants are very popular.

Small and awesome greenstones have been on the workbench for the past few days.
My petite greenstone cabochons do not require complicated wire wrapping. It does not take much to overwhelm a small greenstone, so I keep it simple. I like to creatively name my creations–what do you think of them?

"Small Wonder" is from an old collection and was found on Isle Royale years ago.