A small outside show may be a hidden gem on the West side of town at the Mike Jacobs Sports Park. This show reminds me of Quartzite with dealers tailgating from RVs. The former Rock Show (RV Show), used to be next to the Electric Park Show. The Electric Park Show is now the Kino Show and the old Rock show property changed hands and dealers at that location were ousted. Some of these dealers moved to the Jacobs Sports Park.
The Rock Show was always one of our favorites with much rough rock and good conversation. These outdoor venues often become a real mess in rainy weather, and rain is predicted next week. Rain is good for choosing rough rock, but red, sticky mud is not the best. We decided to travel out North of town to near Marana, and check out this show. It has never failed to provide a hidden treasure or three.
I found very little, but did see some silver ore from Creed, Colorado. I bought some a couple year ago from the same vendor, but he’s down to his last stash.
We traveled to the Kino Show. This show is always surprising. Next to the Quartzite flea markets, the Kino Show sports loads of unusual things. When the first thing you see upon walking into the yard, is a Bosom Fountain, that about sums up the surprising nature of the place. Bonnie thought this must have been modeled on a Harem fountain, or a men’s Roman bath, something like that. I thought this would look spectacular put in the middle of our front yard, covering the green plastic septic tank cover. We spotted some other Bosom carvings in the area too. Some carved pagodas and Chinese characters are entertaining, as was a Chinese cat-type animal amongst the other large rock statuary which is always in that area at the Kino show. Outdoor vendors in tents, plus indoor vendors in bigger tents sell both imported and not many handmade items.

One the whole, the best designed table in the place. Any time you see a gator skull covered in Turquoise in a good time.
Outside is where you find rough rock, lapidary equipment, animal pelts and buffalo skulls. We did not get through the entire show and will return another day, as hunger and tiredness overtook us. Enjoy the selection of pictures from the Coop Show and Kino. We’re not done with Kino. We have to finish exploration, trying to see more bosoms as we do.