I Wonder if I already Sorted This?

It’s the time of the year where we weed out, clean out, categorize, and attempt to neaten the barn/shop area up. The procedure is, Bonnie will notice I have a slack few minutes and say “Would you like to sort rocks?”.
This means one of two things; 1. I really am slacking, 2. She has found some random buckets of rocks that she believes need to be catagorized, in some way, OR 3. She needs more rocks for grab bags that we sell at our upcoming Art Shows.

Sorting Rocks
This is how the “Sort” is operated; First, Bonnie sets several 5 gallon buckets of rocks outside of one of the garage doors on the barn. These buckets are of two categories. The first (and my favorite) are buckets that she’s found under, around, behind, and hiding from normal view. These buckets commonly hold the good stuff; the ACME stuff. They could contain rocks I acquired, years ago, and have forgotten about over the years. I refer to these particular buckets as “Money Makers”. The good stuff, and surprises, are in these buckets. I sometimes even recall the names of these good rocks, where and whence they came from. No wait, there is a third type of bucket. This is too heavy for her to lift. We call these rocks “Cutters”. I don’t have to worry too much about Cutters.

Also she’ll set out my mechanic’s stool. This fine, sturdy, metal stool is probably one of the best garage sale finds ever. She may also demonstrate her love, by having a cold beverage for me. IF I get a cold drink, it’s a dead giveaway that sorting is important at this particular day and time.

The second category of buckets may contain material I’ve already sorted (sometimes have already sorted several times). In this case, because we are old, and in our “Wonder Years”, one of both of us are wondering if we have already sorted these. I may ask Bonnie some probing question like, “Didn’t I already sort these last week?”. We are not really sure, and sometimes I get deja vous; like I’ve done this before? Maybe, could be; it’s possible. When you get old and senile, it’s all new. We have now started marking buckets so we do not “wonder”, if we have previously sorted them.
Bonnie always insists that I have NOT sorted these before. I do have lots of rock that looks like other rock! LOL.

I don’t mean to interrupt this blog. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.
Bonnie will also lay out empty buckets and containers of various sizes and shapes to categorize the “sorted” rocks. Today, the empty buckets had paper labels taped to them. The labels were “Cut NOW”, “Cut LATER”, Grab Bags (these may require breaking into smaller pieces), Garden Rocks, and “Really good stuff”, to be cut immediately. Immediately means they may be lost again before I get to them. IMMEDIATE buckets are top priority, and contain many things that are awesome and “I forgot I had that” stuff. Today, some of this “Acme” stuff was very impressive.
The Cut Soon bucket
Now “Cut Soon” is kind of misleading. Because you can put a lot of chunks in a 5 gallon bucket. And the saw cuts slowly and methodically. And it requires the person to load the stone, adjust things, check the oil, take it off and start it again. I get busy at my grinding machines, and the Cut Soon bucket stays about as full as it was. The pictures above are small pieces we found and could work with. The “Cut Soon” bucket has lots of big pieces that need to be made smaller before they can ever get their turn at the grinder.
The Pictures are from from my sorted “Acme” bucket today.
I usually get so enthusiastic, after sorting, I have to start cutting immediately. The tray pictured is an example of the random things I was so excited about I DiD cut them “soon”! Aren’t they pretty?

It’s a rare day when I do not have a project, custom work, or slabbing rocks and/or cutting cabochons. When you’ve been doing Lapidary and Wire Wrapping for so many years; purchasing old collections, trading, and buying what you did not know you needed, there’s lots to do, and treasures to work with.
As long as I’m still having fun, and wake up not dead, I’m still good to go. Sometimes the names of rocks do not pop out of my head, like they used to, but that’s OK. Keeping busy and happy (as long as I don’t have a deadline).