Christmas Day 2014

The new Treasure Scoop is a bit bigger and beefier than the old one.
Rockhounds get really excited when a new rock hunting tool appears under the Christmas Tree. This happily happened to me today when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a new Treasure Scoop. I already own several scoops. The older ones were known as Gem Scoops, but they are the same. The older scoops are 36″ in length, but my new tool is a beefy 42″. I think size really does matter here. These longer scoops are something new.
The new scoops are well made tools from The Fundamental Rockhound. I have no connection to this company, but I recommend these scoops, and believe every rockhound should own at least one. As you get older and wiser, you try to find easier ways to get those rock treasures. These Treasure Scoops lessen your bending, increase your reach into the water or rock pile, and are a nice walking stick.
Before using any tool, some, but not all, rockhounds will read the directions on any new tool. Let’s examine these directions, especially the warnings:
DO NOT use this tool for any of the following:
Hammer, pick, shovel, or pry bar. I admit to violating these rules occasionally, but I can see why this CYA warning is listed.
DO NOT use in a lightning storm–No lightning in the winter, so we’re good on this.
This tool is NOT to be used by children-Our kids are grown, so we are good to go on this also.
Please use this tool responsibly-OK
Is there anything about NOT using this tool in the snow?-Nope; good to go.
“Hey Bonnie, lets go Petoskey Stone Hunting”. How great is it to have married a woman nearly as crazy as me. Let’s see; snow on the ground, 32 degrees, wind chill 15 degrees. I guess all we need are good coats, hats and gloves. We’re off!

Semi-insane Petoskey Stone Hunting.

Nice Petoskey!
A Petoskey Stone hunt on Christmas. How cool is that? The story continues at one of the gravel pits we hunt. There is indeed snow, but some exposed stones. Lets get some! Difficult to find, but we are rockhounds, and we will prevail. I have my new scoop and as I search I hear that old Kenny Rogers-Dolly Parton song:
“Petoskey’s in the snow
That is where they are are
No snow in between
How can we be wrong
Scoop away with me
To another world
And we rely on each other, ah ha
From one rockhound to another, ah ha”

The Christmas Collection 2014
“Adventure” rockhounding, gotta love it.