This month I thought I would talk about rocks with pictures in them. I love these, as do many of our customers.

OK. this IS NOT a picture rock, but it is a great picture of my favorite hunting areas near Lake Superior. This one is from our campsite.
Landscapes are common in Biggs Picture Jasper and other western jaspers, but they sometimes show up in other stones as well. I have posted a blog previously on my “Dogman Pendant”, and some of the stones and pendants you see in this blog have been commented on before, but others are brand new. This will be good fun. You may see things others do not.
On some occasions finding a picture is just “the luck of the cut” as demonstrated by a datolite I found. If I had not had a lucky cut I would not have found Michigan’s Lower Peninsula inside it. The same holds true for the “Dogman” and many other lucky cuts I have made. I do not often recognize the unlucky cuts because the picture never materialized.

- Mookaite from Australia on rare occasions has dendretic inclusions.
Old rockhounds, like myself, are often accused of having rocks in the head, so if you see strange things in stones, you may not be hallucinating. There are some people that just do not have enough imagination to see things. This is a shame. How can you go through life without having a little fun? I’ve been accused myself of being “a few fries short of a happy meal”, and I accept that as partially true. Check out all the rocks I’ve found with wonderful picture inclusions.

Paint brush Jasper from China.
Dendretic agate from India

I'm not sure where this agate came from, but it looks like and undersea adventure.