Bonnie interrupted my Easter TV watching to tell me I had to write a blog about Regal Jewelry, and “maybe make a regal piece” ( I’ve got to keep her from watching all this stuff on the upcoming royal wedding). As an experienced and alert husband, I know this means “get off your butt and do something”. So, knowing full well, based on experience, I can watch a fishing show and make jewelry at the same time, I got right on it. Good fishing shows are all the same; catch the fish, comment on “what a hog” it is, then throw it back, and repeat. So you don’t have to concentrate on it like you would if something is exploding.

Vitoria Stone with Citrine
I found a beautiful piece of dark green Victoria Stone and experimented with assorted facetted stones to see which ones looked good with the Victoria Stone. I chose a couple natural Citrine’s and man did they pop! A couple hours later I produced my take on Royal Wedding Jewelry.

Kentucky Agate in red and black always looks regal.

Victoria Stone with assorted Topaz
I have produced several “Regal” pieces in the past, so here is a sampling. Regal jewelry usually features faceted stones, but not always. I think sometimes rocks alone can be “regal”.

Dinosaur bone, Sunstone, and Moonstone

Muonionalusta Meteorite with Peridot and Topaz. This would be "Regal" if you were an E.T.

Prehnite with Peridot and Topaz.
This stuff is about as “Regal” as you can get. What do YOU think? Enjoy Don