Do you love small pendants? The popularity of smaller pieces of jewelry seems to have grown recently. Many people prefer a more petite pendant, that are less pretentious to wear, all the time, on a simple chain. Small stones can have big appeal for the rock/jewelry lover.

Many of our Great Lakes rocks and minerals have filled the bubbles in amygdaloidal basalt and are small in nature. A few of the stones from the Great Lakes that are often petite include Isle Royale Greenstones, Thomsonite, Datolite, Copper Agates, and my favoite stone, Lake Superior Agates. Many times these gemstones are more amazing in a pint-sized versions, than in a larger size.

The difficulty I have as a wire artist is that smaller stones are more difficult to wire wrap than larger ones! In order to wrap these, I have created custom tools and use 24 gauge precious metal wire. This wire is more delicate and needs careful handling in construction.
In wearing these small pieces, be assured that the 24 gauge wire is sturdy enough for everyday wear.

My wire wrapping abilities with special tools allow me to wire wrap stones 1″ circumference or larger. Smaller than that, the stone is destined for a silversmith to put a bezel around it for a ring or necklace. A talented Goldsmith can create a lost wax setting; This is often done with rings.

Just because a gemstone is small, does not mean will not attract attention. Our customers often mention the compliments they receive on small pendants they got from us. One of the comments I enjoy is “How does a guy with such large hands, create these magical, diminutive, pieces of jewelry”?
Many of the treasures found around Lake Superior, or in the Old Mine Dumps in the Keweenaw, are small but stunningly beautiful. They may be small, but killers in their beauty.