April 11th was so good, yet so bad.

One of our new shirts. Pretty sharp I think.
I picked up new Snob Appeal Jewelry Logo shirts today from our favorite business apparel manufacturer, Alfies, in Traverse City. We will be looking sharp at all our shows this year. (Good News)

Defrosting April 12th.
On the way home it started to rain and freeze, and fortunately I made it home before all the roads really fell apart. As I write this on April 12th all the roads are iced and all the schools are closed. We are expecting 10″ of snow tonight and tomorrow; “Inconceivable” This means a good jewelry making, sit by the wood stove, watch TV (unless the power goes off), type day. (Good and bad)
After I got home I checked the E-mail and found a wonderful note from a new customer in California that recently bought an Isle Royale Greenstone Pendant:
Don and Bonnie,
Just wanted to let you know that I received the Baby Alligator Greenstone Pendant yesterday and absolutely love it!
My family is from northern Michigan and both Grandfathers worked at the Calcite Plant in Rogers City. My Mother was an avid rock hound which rubbed off on me. Family lore is that my Dad’s paternal Great Grandmother was the first white woman to be buried on Isle Royale. The greenstone from Isle Royale is, for me, a remembrance of this family member.
I found your website while looking for Petosky stones, and am enjoying your interesting blog.
Thank you for your quick response in filling my order. I will definitely be back for more.
Andree’s testimonial was wonderful, and represents the feedback we always get. I cannot remember that one of our customers has ever been disappointed with what they purchased on the Internet. You can read more feedback in the “Testimonials” section on our home page.

Royal Imperial Jasper. I'll remember this as the one I broke my favorite pliers while making it.
I had an inspiration today for a couple Royal Imperial Jasper cabochons I cut after I got back from Tucson. While wire wrapping this complicated pendant I broke my long-time favorite wire wrapping pliers. While pinching wire together I heard a loud “SNAP”, looked down, and saw shockingly saw one of the jaws broken right off. These were an irreplaceable pair of pliers I bought years ago, made of Damascus Steel, and just the right size. I would give anything to have them back, having made over a thousand jewelry pieces with them. (Bad) My intentions are to find someone that can make custom pliers and duplicate this set.

Made me cry. Broke after over 1000 pieces of jewelry.
The pliers broke in the middle of making the aforementioned Jasper pendant, so I continued with another pair. After 15 years of using the same pliers, you develop a “feel” for them, naturally gripping your wire perfectly. I was not used to the new pliers and they slipped off a wire and cut my thumb. (Bad) (OUCH!). Ok, bandaid and back to work.
I finished the pendant, and it turned out perfectly.
One of my best buddies, John, gave me a geode cab to make a pendant for him a while back, and I have found I put it somewhere safe and cannot locate it. (Bad) While looking for this cab today, I located three trays of my best Greenstone cabs that have been missing since I came back from Tucson. (Really good) Many of these stones were from Isle Royale from years ago. Now I have to catch up on wrapping these.

Greenstone/Thomsonite from Isle Royale.
I also have purchased several nice Greenstone Cabs from an old collection in the U.P. I cabbed them and made a very nice pendant. Greenstone and Thomsonite combinations instantly sell, and especially ones that were actually found on the island years ago like this one. Greenstones from Isle Royale are commonly lighter green with finer patterns than most from the Keweenaw, and are very coveted. (Good)
I am hopeful that only good things happen today.