I want to share the story of Cheryl’s rock which became a custom nostalgic stone jewelry set. One of our specialties is making custom pieces of jewelry using stones precious to our customers. It may be a stone found when searching a beach with Grandpa or Grandma, or a stone from Grandpa’s old rock collection. It may be that special Agate that was re-discovered in a drawer or lived in your pocket every day. It just may be a stone you’ve wanted to do something with for years, and just never discovered anyone who could transform it for you.

There are a multitude of reasons that someone may want a piece of custom jewelry made.
It does not matter how beautiful or ugly a rock might be; the true value of a stone is in the memories that it evokes.
Behind these nostalgic treasures; every one is treated by me as if it were the most valuable stone I’ve ever worked with. The utmost care is taken to produce a piece of jewelry that elicits fond memories.
Cheryl’s Story
Hello, Don, Here is the story of my rock.
In 1994 my husband went to a very remote area in southeast Kazakhstan near the Chinese border to advise a beginning sheep farmer. My husband was working with an organization called VOCA (Volunteers for Overseas Cooperative Assistance) and Mercy Corps International. There were many problems faced by farmers in the area due to the remote location. My husband would sometimes sit close to a nearby river while he tried to come up with suggestions that could be used by people who had so little to work with. Somewhere near this river, he found the rock.
My husband gave the rock to me when he returned. He suggested making a necklace out of it. I had no idea how to accomplish that. The rock was too big to use the whole thing. I looked at a few craft fairs for an artist who could turn the rock into jewelry, but the rock remained just a rock for many years. I even occasionally tried to find someone online without any luck. Finally, this year I came across Snob Appeal Jewelry as a result of a Google search. I now have not only a wonderful heart-shaped necklace but also a ring, thanks to Don’s talent and Bonnie’s feminine insight.
My husband was killed in a car accident in 1998, so he was not able to see the transformation of the rock, but I am sure he would have been pleased. I wear the ring all the time. It reminds me that my husband was always thinking about me.
Thank you so much for your personal story Cheryl.
It was a pleasure to make these pieces for Cheryl and know that she will always enjoy wearing them. I’m not certain what Cheryl’s rock is, but that really does not matter; does it?
I have made many custom “Remembrance Rocks”, and there are stories behind each one. I know some, but not all the stories. Over the next few months I’ll share some of the stories I know.
If you are interested in having a custom nostalgic jewelry piece made, be sure to visit our Custom Work page, visit and like us on Facebook, or send me some pictures of your rock.