I’m a difficult person to buy a gift for. If I really need something, I generally just buy it. If I see something, I didn’t know I needed, it’s in my cart. There are very few surprises at Christmas for me or my bride, Bonnie.
If she sees a book she likes, or some clothing she wants, she’ll pont is out and say, “That might be a good gift”. We must act immediately, because we forget as soon as we leave a store. I tell Bonnie, not to look in the bag we just purchased. If we purchase these wanted gifts, long enough before Christmas, we’re perhaps good with a surprise Christmas gift, because we forget we told each other to get them.

Bonnie says; “Our big problem is if we buy gifts early, we forget where we hid them”.
When it comes to jewelry, I can usually make something that I believe Bonnie might like. Jewelry can be a surprise, most of the time. Sometimes Bonnie may unintentionally snoop, and see something she’ not supposed to. She might see something while placing a gift for me, in the same “secret” hiding spot that I have hidden a gift for her.
I occasionally find a Stone that I covet for a pendant. I make a pendant for me. I just can’t say to myself; “I better find someone that can make a pendant”, then realize I like how I make jewelry, and sometimes I get lucky and make a nice piece. I’ll take a chance on me, instead of Asian or India made, sub-par jewelry.. Like Oscar the Grouch I think: “Me can make this”.
Making Jewelry for Myself
By making my own Christmas Jewelry, I can cut out the middle man. If I hate what I made for “Me”, I do not have to return it to the store for a refund. I do not have to complain about how this Pendant looks. I do not have to “hint” to anyone as to what a great Christmas Gift this would make. I do not have to gripe about foriegn made junk, poor quality, or price. I CAN ACTUALLY WEAR MY SELF-MADE GIFT IMMEDIATELY. I do not have to worry about hiding this jewelry gift, then forgetting where it is. I do not Most of all I DON’T HAVE TO WRAP IT! NO!? I do have to wrap it, but I don’t have to GIFT wrap it.

Most Guys Hate to Wrap Gifts
I know that a lot of guys (most guys) hate to wrap gifts. When a guy orders jewelry from us, it’s our practice to include a nice little draw-string gift bag with ordered jewelry in it.. This saves our “guy” customers from wrapping said jewelry. Just “stuff it in a stocking” makes most guys happy, happy, happy.
If I make a Christmas gift for myself, there are so many benefits, it’s magical.
My self-made, custom made Christmas gift is a pendant I dreamt of. I awakened at 2am, and got started on my gift. By tackling my own surprise gift; getting it started, and placing it on my workbench, I will not forget to finish said gift, or remember who’s gift I was making.
Let’s see the jewelry Don

This just might be my favorite Christmas Gift!
These two Copper Country beauties were cut into designer shapes, and put together. You can clearly see this pendant is fairly large (by the walking Liberty Half Dollar). The size is perfect for me.
I carefully wrapped this pendant in Pink Gold and Agentium Sterling. The belt is 24g Pink Gold (Rose Gold) half round. The belt wraps completely around, covering the break between the stones, and locking both stones together. The stones would have remained together without the belt, but this pendant just looks so much cooler with the belt.

This year I have produced quite a few custom pieces, made from customers’ Stones. We’ve filled stockings with beautiful jewelry, and already have gotten glowing reviews for our service and products. I enjoy making nostalgic jewelry for clients, from their treasured stones.
I’ve been backlogged for a while, but finally have finished my custom projects. I know I’ve made many people happy, and that makes me happy. Now I’ve made “ME’ really happy, with a new Santa Made Pendant..