Tag Archives: Humor

Datolite Anniversary Pendant

Today was our wedding anniversary. 35 years to a wonderful woman has just flown by.
So what do you give to a jewelry maker’s wife? How about jewelry? “Man, that is a great idea Don”.(as he pats himself on the head)

Now that the decision is made, you have to look for something special amongst the tons of rock in the shop. I recall cutting an amazing piece of Datolite the other day and today I will finish it and make a nice pendant for Bonnie.

The Datolite is one I purchased while in the U.P. a couple weeks ago and is from one of the mines down Ontonagon way. That’s in da U.P. for you trolls (A troll is someone that lives below the Mackinac Bridge…get it?; as in “under the bridge), and you out of Staters. I have not been able to positively say what mine this Datolite came from, but it is just full of copper; lightning streaking around lovely pastel pink and mauve Datolite.

Datolite and Copper.

Datolite and Copper.

In honor of this milestone, I wrapped this pendant in gold gold, pink gold, and Argentium Sterling, the first tri-tone pendant I’ve made. Colorful Datolite with copper inclusions is always in demand (usually snapped up by Copper World in Calumet), and this piece is a stunner. Bonnie has sold many pieces off her body, but I expect this Anniversary Pendant will be in her private collection.

Guess what? SHE LOVED IT!!


Bonnie is outside “rooting“.

Rooting is defined at this location as either gardening OR searching and cleaning the barn. I am fairly happy in my barn and can find at least half the things I need in it (this is a good percentage for a guy). Bonnie, on the other hand, feels compelled to enter my venue, namely the barn, and “straighten it up”. She often says things to me like: “Don’t you think you should neaten this barn up”, or “This barn is a mess”. I tell her that there are spiders in my barn, and she HATES spiders, but this seems not to work very well as a repellant. I mention that if she moves things I may not be able to find them, but again this seems not to work very well. I recall giving up on discouraging “rooting” in 2008 (the fall, I believe).

Rooting requires moving things, including buckets and rocks around. When this happens my percentage of being able to find things declines to about 40%.

I do not discourage this womanly behavior, as I know it makes her feel good, productive, and improves her well-being. She discovers new rocks and is happy moving things she has already moved on previous rootings (Word says this is not a verb, but I KNOW it is) Another advantage is she is not disturbing me while I watch NASCAR, Deadliest Catch, or Chopper (guy shows). I’m usually wire-wrapping jewelry out of some Michigan stones while I watch these shows, so you know how hard-working I am.

If Bonnie wheels a barrel up, it may be a good omen.

What is in this barrel of rocks that are covered with saw mud?

What is in this barrel of rocks that are covered with saw mud?

Today, after a good rooting session in the barn, she came up the driveway with a paper barrel in her wheelbarrow. I

A sample of the edge (about 2" thick) revealed interesting dendrites and pattern.

A sample of the edge (about 2" thick) revealed interesting dendrites and pattern.

do not recall seeing this barrel for a number of years, but I can recall buying it about 10 years ago at a sale in Grand Rapids.

The Owyhee and one of the Brazilian Agates.

The Owyhee and one of the Brazilian Agates.

She found several nice Brazilian Agates and about a ten pond slab of Owyhee Picture Jasper, a better then average root. There are multiple types of Owyhee from Oregon and I am not an expert as to precisely what it all is, but it is all of interest, and makes wonderful pictured cabochons. I know this rough is at least 30 years old. I do not know whether this material is still available or not. Thus far I have not found any on line. If anyone knows exactly what this jasper is, let me know and I will edit this blog. There is probably much more Owyhee in the one slab then I can use in my lifetime.

This will be great lapidary and barter material, don't you think?

This will be great lapidary and barter material, don't you think?

So, to sum this up I guess it pays to let your wife be happy in her “straightening and rooting” endeavors. Good things can sometimes come of this affliction.


This is 100% real! (Are you kidding?)

This is 100% real! (Are you kidding?)

I swear this picture is legit. The other day someone handed me this button. Man is it nice; mom, apple pie, and the good ole USA, EXCEPT the button proudly spots a “Made in China” sticker.

This seemed really ironic; then I thought of how much of this imported stuff is sold to unthinking and uncaring AMERICAN consumers. I just wanted to remind you to thnk before you buy. If you want to support workers in a foreign country, go ahead, but when you have a choice I think you should support your AMERICAN craftsman.

Thanks for listening to my rant (the short version).


ps-After I posted this blog I received several responses (comments) from obvious foreigners raving about the content and the good points I made. It is obvious these comments were spam generated and very generic. This was really humorous. These types of comments do not make my site as I have an approval lockout where I have to approve all responses before they go up.