Copper World
In historic downtown Calumet, Michigan, lies the finest gift shop in the Keweenaw. Yes, I speak of Copper World. They retail my jewelry as well as items from many other top-of-the line artisans, most from the Copper Country. I specialize in gemstone jewelry from the Copper Country that I find myself, cut, and wrap. My jewelry is a great fit for this store.

Snob Appeal Jewelry is exclusively featured at Copper World
I love their exclusive line of clothing items promoting the Keweenaw Peninsula as well as their full line of the famous Stormy Kromer hats “made in da U.P. eh.” They feature all the finest books on the history of the area as well as the rocks and minerals of Copper Country. I could go on and on about all the cool things they have, but I want you to go there or check out their web site: www.calumetcopper.com

My buddies Tony and Tim
The store is owned by my good friend Tony Bausano, and is most often staffed by his son Tim, and daughter Chris. Behind the scenes is Tony’s wife, Joyce, who really runs the business end of things at the store, as well as the online business and all the shipping. I love a family business and this is one of the best examples.
I have been exclusively retailing at Copper World for four years, and thanks to Tony and Tim our business and products have a great following up here. Whenever I do wire-wrapping demonstrations at Copper World many locals come in to chat and see what new things I’ve done. Working in Copper World also allows me to talk about my favorite subject (rocks) to those interested. The best sellers are Lake Superior Agate, Datolite, and Chlorastrolite pendants. Other stones of interest are Prehnite, Thomsonite, Firebrick, and Mohawkite.

I'm in deep concentration making jewelry in Copper World.
They proudly offer the work of many artists’ products, many associated with the Copper Country. Besides the “Kromer’s” I just love the Thimbleberry jam they sell.
Tony is the biggest promoter of Calumet that I know of (and longtime mayor) and steers the “Trolls” (this is the nickname for we who live south of the Big Mac Bridge) to historic places and local sights. He is proud of Calumet and it’s history. The building itself was a big restoration project and is a welcoming beacon to the historic downtown area.
Make no mistake this store is a very busy place during tourist season, with a constant flow of walk-ins, both local and from far and wide. They come looking for that perfect souvenir or gift, and are seldom disappointed. When you come to Calumet, be sure to visit Copper World.