Tag Archives: Meteorites

Meteor Crater (Now off my Bucket List)


It’s seldom I get to take something off my bucket list, but I was able to in March by visiting Meteor Crater in Northern Arizona near Winslow.


Let me tell you that pictures do not do justice to seeing it in person. Approximately 50,000 years ago a giant meteor weighing several hundred thousands tons struck the earth, creating a large crater. The crater is approximately 4000 feet across and 570 feet deep. The meteor crater is known as the Barringer Meteor crater.


The crater was a training site for Apollo Astronauts from 1963 thru 1970 because the surface of the crater is not unlike the moon. Visitors, including Bonnie and I, take the rim tour that goes out about a quarter mile on a walking trail. It was a very windy walk, but very enjoyable with an informative guide.


Inside the visitor center are a number of great displays as well as the largest meteorite piece found from the meteor that created meteor crater. Very few pieces were found within the crater itself, but were dispersed over approximately 30 miles. Thousands of meteorite pieces have been found especially in the Canyon Diablo area west of the crater. These, generally small bits of this Iron/Nickel space chunk (Canyon Diablo Meteorites) are still readily available from dealers.

There are interesting stories of the crater exploration, including Daniel Barringer, a geologist, forming the Standard Iron Company; drilling down in the center to find iron he thought was going to be there (1903 and 1905). Nothing, of course, of value was there. I mentioned the rim trail, and it leads to the ruins of Barringer’s house on the crater’s rim.


There are several viewing platforms at the site. The crater is still owned by the Barringer family. The crater is not far off I-40. I enjoy different kinds of rocks and have made jewelry from meteorites of different localities. This is all so Out of This World! A cool place, I’m glad we got to go there.

Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Shows-Arizona Mineral and Fossil Show

Sunny 75

The Arizona Mineral & Fossil show at the Tucson Hotel-City Center has long been one of our favorites. We noticed that it is approaching 300 vendors. Like all the other Hotel shows sales take place out of individual hotel rooms, in ballrooms, or lobbies. There are also dealers in tents and other buildings outside.

This show has always been great for bargain hunters as well as those looking for high-end specimens, fossils, dinosaurs, and Meteorites. The Hotel has three buildings, each one two stories. You can roam the balcony or the sidewalk and drop in on any room you want to look at. We see rough, slabs, finished jewelry, specimens, and fossils. Fossil fish can be your wall art, or a sculpture, and dinosaur bone can be had for pendants, or to decorate with.

This large gem grade black & Red Kentucky Agate was priced out at $4000.  I never saw a 10" Kentucky, in these coveted colors, that was so nice.

This large gem grade black & Red Kentucky Agate was priced out at $4000. I never saw a 10" Kentucky, in these coveted colors. So nice!

Very nice picnic tables.

Very nice picnic tables.

I know at least one person that would like to own this.

I know at least one person that would like to own this.

Awesome Smithsonite surounded by druzy-encrusted Quartz Crystals

Awesome Smithsonite surounded by druzy-encrusted Quartz Crystals

Flowers and Rocks

Flowers and Rocks

Run, Bonnie, Run!

Run, Bonnie, Run!

A fossil fish mobile.

A fossil fish mobile.



The only way you can control these varments

The only way you can control these varmints, keep 'em in their packaging!


Bumblebee Jasper Skulls

Bumblebee Jasper Skulls


An orange drops off a tree and they're on it.

An orange drops off a tree and they're on it.

Megalodon Mouth

Megalodon Mouth

Crinoid wall

Crinoid wall from Morocco

My Meteorite slab.

My Meteorite slab. Sorry about the reflections. This slab was mirror polished.

I mentioned earlier today on my Facebook page that my goal was to find something special to make jewelry from. That treasure appeared as a slice of a Pallasite Meteorite from Seymchan (Iron II E), Russia (found in 1967). Pallasites are wonderful meterorites containing Olivine, and the slab I found (later went back and got another slab), was chuck full of greenish-yellow gemstones. I am making myself a pendant and I have extra when someone else begs for one.

The market must be good for fiberglass dinosaurs, because they really multiplied from last year, so I’ve scattered a few photos in this blog. They can be bought for $2000 and up; way up!

The hotel is wonderfully landscaped with trees loaded with oranges. I even saw one baby dino trying to eat one that had fallen from the tree. Bonnie found some outstanding Lapis drilled pendent stones, and I found a great “Rock Star” T-shirt that pretty much describes me.

It was just a wonderful beautiful laid back day in Tucson.