Roaming around the south end of the strip was today’s activity. There was no real goal to buy anything, but we found good things none the less.

Sonoran Sunrise rough
I’ve expounded on Bonnie’s affinity for Sonoran Sunrise Jasper, but I must confess I feel the same about Pietersite. The very best Pietersite in Tucson is sold directly by South African Mine owners. Pietersite is a pseudo-morph of Quartz. This gemstone looks to me like paint strokes that when turned side to side flash, like cats eye. This is hard to explain until you see it. Rough is for sale, but I’ve never been able to get the glass-like finish that these pros do. There are two Pietersite mines in the world; Namibia and the Henan Provence of China. The mine in South Africa is in Otjuo, an open pit operation of approximately 10 acres. At this time the pit is approximately 30 meters deep. Check out our Pietersite page for some beautiful jewelry, some of my favorites.
I could not capture the true beauty of my cabs in my cloud dome, so I just laid them on a table and shined a LED light on them. The picture has not been retouched.

a chunk of Lazulite I bought
I was fascinated by some Lazulite from Paraiba, Brazil. I’ll just tell you what Badin Stones told me. The material is a Triolite Lazulite and is the matrix for the famous Paraiba Toumaline. I bought a 4# chunk to play with. I really think this Hard Phosphate material looks intriguing with blues and pinks–another great material from Minas Gerais.

Rainbow Obsidian in the sun.
Even though I was not in the market for Rainbow Obsidian I saw some nice stuff John Cooper was selling at Infinite Rhythms.

Carvings from the Lazulite.
Lots of random rough was being sold by Dayle Harrison from Saugatuck. He’s hidden in the back lot at the Rapa River Show.
We see things at the Tucson Shows of interest to the metaphysical community. Singing Bowls are seen each year. These are carved from Quartz Crystals and when rubbed around the edges produce a humming sound. The larger the bowl, the lower the hum. The vendors of these bowls usually have a couple connected rooms where bowls are sold and some type of metaphysical treatments take place. I am not a metaphysical person, but to each their own. You are requested to take your shoes off when entering this apparently sacred hotel room, and old people, like my self, have trouble getting shoes off and back on. A person was laying on the floor with a cloth being waved over him. I watched to see if something magical would appear,and was hoping for some residual effect on myself but did not see or feel any transformation. An interesting looking character with hippie-pajama-mystic appearance came by massaging a singing bowl. I would appreciate a healing of my leg, but her presence did not cause that to happen and I moved on.

You must wait for this trio to be massaged so they can sing.
As usual I took lots of pictures today. Enjoy them. I think we need a little break soon, so if I do not say anything tomorrow, it means we took a day off. Thanks for following our adventures.

I sort of have the body of a god..Buddha,

This carving was called "The Biggest Flame in Brazil". I do not know the rock.