We decided to take in the African Art Show at south end of the strip. We haven’t been there, but people have mentioned to us that it is a good show to see. African art abounds, but there was one person selling African prehnite for sale, but no other rock. Since we already had our parking spot we walked across to the Mineral shows before they closed.

Tubs of jewels

Looking for Star Rutiles’

I think I found one.
Bonnie met a friendly Mexican man selling Brazilian gemstones. After standing in the shade talking, I came outside and they were talking like old friends. They had some fine rutilated quartz by the tub or kilo, and he said I could look through for some star rutile. He even helped and I bought 1/2 kilo which I hope will be great for future jewelry making. He also had tubs of other gemstones.

Amethyst wit Calcite Crystal.

My personal show favorite.
In a parking lot in front a tent with amethyst cathedrals and Uruguay specimens. I have looked at thousands of amthyst cathedrals at the shows, and even though it was not a large impressive monuments that are scattered about, I found my favorite specimen in this tent. He also had lovely amethyst with calcite pieces.
I purchased a hard-to-describe amethyst stalactite with an eyeball that seemed to be calling me and would not let me out of its powerful grasp until I bought it.

El Paso Rock Shop
Somehow all during this show we missed the El Paso rock shop, one of the largest sellers of rough material. Way in the back of the show, it has a couple large tents, and what looks like an acre of 50 gallon drums overflowing with jaspers, fossils, shell. They also have cabochons and carved skulls. Warning: dirty and chaotic, but exciting for the lapidary guy or gal. Dodge the forklifts and pallets. Good clothes not required.

This seemed a little overkill to guard a few vases.
It became a hot day, but we got our “rock-fix” done early as un-winter-like weather was in the mid 80’s. Happy to retreat to my air conditioning!