Today we started out at the Gem & Lapidary Dealers Association show at the spectacular Starr Pass Marriott Resort.
I wanted to see it I could find some killer Black opal cabs.
I was successful in locating just what I wanted and found that they were about twice what they cost just two years ago. Considering the low crowds at that location and fewer dealers then normal I may have paid a little too much.
Having said that I found no better opals anywhere else I went today, so I feel better. I will pay good money for quality goods.
The next stop was the Tucson Convention Center for the American Gem Trade Association Show. This is a hugh wholesale show this mountains of gems all over. Really over the top and any gem and size you can imagine.
We bought some real nice sunstone, but mostly looked and ogled. This show caters to those that trade in facetted stones. As you all know, our stones are much more rare than the common jewelry store fare.
Wading through the convention center took us until noon, then we waled across the street to the giant tent that holds the Gem & Jewelry Exchange (GJX) show. There are in the neighborhood of 1500 dealers at just this one show. We waded through most of the show, but we may or may not go back for the rest. This show got into my wallet fairly heavy with loads of good merchandise for reasonable prices if we carefully shopped. We found some great Druzy quartz treated cabs that I purchased for my friend John (I’ll keep what he doesn’t want). I also found some wonderful pink Moonstone that I have plans for. I found some unusual Amethyst/Goethite/Iron cabs which are exciting to see. Bonnie found a few beads and some nice pearls to string into necklaces. Other assorted cabs were also found that I liked.
We left that show around 3PM with heavier bags, but lighter wallets.
I’ll add in here a couple pictures: One is the Tucson Convention Center showing some of the hundred of booths. Photography is not allowed at this show, but I risked being arrested because you needed to see it. The other photo is a sampling of some of the stuff we bought today.
The Convention Center was packed as was the parking lots. We had a problem finding a spot in the $8 lot, but drove around and eventually one turned up.
Everyone seemed to have money and we did not see anything that would indicated a resession here in Tucson.
It was near 70 today, t-shirt weather. I liked this!
Stand by for our continued adventures!

These cabs will make great jewelry!