Sunny 74

Some Moroccan must have had a load of spare time here. Otodus teeth (50 million year old mackerel shark)

Each of these trilobites was as big as a hand! Hotel Tucson City Center

Laguna Agates and Tiffany Stone display.HTCC
Hunting the deep recesses of the Tucson Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Shows is one of our favorite things to do. Today was the last day of the JOGS Show and sometimes the dealers are motivated to sell rather than take merchandise home.
This show, as you may recall, is a wholesale show with an eclectic variety of merchandise from imported buy/sell jewelry, to rough rock, to facetted jewels. If you can imagine it, it is probably at JOGS.
I found a great deal on some facetted Citrine and the same dealer made me an offer I could not refuse on some very nice blue and pink sapphires. I found a Russian guy with some nice Eudialite cabochons different than I had ever seen. These had a dark background with the reds standing out. When I think of Eudalite, I think of bright red ruby slippers shining in the sun. I love this stuff! One pricey opal Bluegill somehow also found its way into the satchel, while Bonnie was not looking.

Dino Bones in the Black Hills Institute Display. HTCC

Now THIS would be a rough volleyball team!

If you are not SURE they are dead, they will rise back up!

They FINALLY captured that evil raptor that was checking out Bonnie the other day (see blog).

Would you expect to see this at a fossil show?

From Austrailia a large slab of Obicular Granite. You just can't take a piece like this for granite! (OK so it was a bad pun) I know a granite lover that reads this blog. This one is for him.

Hey Deb, how about a new wine rack?

Some great polished wood.

Has this old guy with one bad leg really got a chance?
Bonnie bought a few silver charms and enough pewter beads and findings to anchor a small boat! She waited until we were walking out the door to buy them.
I really wasn’t keeping a close eye on her, but she is usually more conservative in her spending than I am. She admits to buying some very fine Turquoise beads from a very reputable dealer.
When we left JOGS it was still early and we decided to skip over to the Hotel Tucson to the Mineral and Fossil Show. We saw Ken Flood from Keweenaw Gem & Gift in Houghton at his booth. He said he had a very good show, and this was evident by his low inventory. Shortly thereafter we saw Bob & Pam Hecht, also from Houghton. Pam saw me first as I was wearing my Keweenaw T-Shirt. You just never know who you will run into so far from our homes! They too were enjoying 75 degrees!
The Hotel Tucson City Center is famous for all the orange trees on the property, and we from up north really appreciate the green trees loaded with orange orbs. The lower branches of these trees usually are barren of oranges (I wonder why?).
A good herd of the ever-popular Fiberglass dinosaurs were scattered about the grounds, even occupying the volleyball court. A great white shark was ready to attack swimmers in the pool.
I did take loads of pictures of fossils for you and I found some very nice Larimar rough I could not pass up, although I could not afford much of it. So let’s just throw some nice pictures, and a little humor, at you so you can get a feel of this place.
We went back to home base early today, which most likely saved us some money. I have no idea where tomorrow may lead us. I’m sure there is a show somewhere we have not seen.