Sunny low 70s
If you want to see the new Diamond Pacific Xpert, I put a picture from their flyer in yesterday’s blog.
When this show is all over with, and we get back home, I will take some great photos of things we purchased here. I have a small photo studio I use to take my web photos. The issue here, in Tucson, is getting everything to look good. I cannot get the good close-up shots you deserve to see. I am also putting together a program for the Grand Traverse Area Rock & Mineral Club back home with many photos you have not seen on my blog (can you imagine there are more photos?).
I went up on Sentinel Peak yesterday and took a few shots. The big mountains in the back are the Catalina Mountains, and the Santa Rita Mountains are connected also.

To the left is downtown Tucson. Just to the right of downtown is the Convention Center. AGTA was there and they are setting up for the main show this weekend. Toward you, across from the Convention Center is the giant GJX tent that I’ve referred to before. Go left a few blocks and you see the tent for the GJM Show. Toward you this side of I-1o is one of the many shows on the strip, the Pueblo Show and some of the Rapa River Show.
Let’s have a little undersea adventure from the Fossil Show.

Xiphactinus (common spelling:)) Niobrara Formation-Cretaceous Period-Western Kansas
I have two more really nice pictures of a display in the lobby of the Tucson City Center.


Mostly Rutile.
Tomorrow the main show opens with wonderful displays. Expect great photos.