Beginning on January 28th I will be blogging every day from Tucson. There may be a surprise side trip to the Desert Gardens Show in Quartzite also.

The Tucson Desert
This year is the 57th Annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show which is the main show, sponsored by the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society and held at the Tucson Convention Center during the second week of the Tucson shows. The main event has nearly 250 exhibitors. The theme for the show this year will be “Minerals of California”. I look forward to seeing this exhibit and showing you a taste of it in my blog.
The rest of the shows, collectively known as the Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Shows, are comprised of some 50 individual shows with anywhere from 30 to 300 vendors each and are scattered all over the city. It took me a few years of going to figure out everything like where to park, whether a show is wholesale or retail, and where the assorted “good stuff” can be gleaned.

Animals that are rare in Michigan
I see the weather will be sunny and mid-70’s for the next week in Tucson. It’ll be rough on our bodies, but someone has to suffer for you guys. Our daughter lives in Tucson, so lodging is great. Our son would enjoy going, but has to stay home. We will be flying and renting a car.
We are really looking forward to Tucson.

Fine crystals abound at the Gem Shows