View from the show. Check out the umbrellas overhead!
It is always disappointing when the Tucson Rock Shows come to an end. We loaded up with fantastic rocks, mineral, and fossils to make into fine new jewelry. In the near future you’ll see some of it on our www.snobappealjewelry.com site, also on the Facebook groups I belong to, (if you haven’t “Liked” us on FB, now would be a good time) and at shows we participate in.
I think I have taken many more photos then I ever have before, and hopefully excited you enough to get here next year. I thank you all for the positive feedback on the blogs. I’ve had record numbers of readers this year.
Here are the final group of photos from the Main Event. You must be here in person to fully appreciate what goes on here, but if you read the blogs you were imbued with some idea.
You may get a couple bonus blogs yet. Are you wanting more?

Some great Scottish Minerals especially for some great people we met from Scotland. They know who they are.


Pyrite (Peru)

Pyrite (Peru)

What I think is the best of Tucson-Collectors Edge Display.

The Worlds' largest Matrix Opal-Andamooka 24#. This was treated with sugar water to bring out the colors. This treatment is the norm with this type of Opal.

Bonnie likes this Blue Quartz.

AMEN! A rare sign in Tucson.

Need any specimens? How's your credit card balance? Collector's Edge

A great case from the University of Arizona.

I appreciated the work involved in this map. This is the work of Rockhounds all over the U.S. The stones are not necessarily State Stones, but are stones from the individual states they represent. Alaska and Hawaii are, of course, not to scale. Assembled by Liz & Lou Porter from the Lake Havasu Gem & Mineral Society.Hallaelujah Quartz from the Scepter Mine in Washoe County, Nevada. These are sometimes referred to as elestial crystals. I call them Scepter Crystals, as do most.

Discussing rocks with Dave Wilbur. Dave stars in the "What's Hot in Tucson" video series produced by Bryan Swoboda (Blue Cap Productions) every year. What's hot in Tucson this year. Dave said it was the Collector's Edge Display, and I agree.

Recongnize this slab? It is the exact rock that is on Bonnie's new coffee cup. Sonoran Sunset.