73 sunny and very windy
Wind dust and debris were flying all over at Electric Park. Our buddies Marshall and Mary Collins’ stuff was flying. We saw John & Jane Matz and Don & Katie Brown from our club searching for treasures at the RV Show. Wind does not effect the staunch rockhound.
A day for free-styling. We ended up at Electric Park today looking at the RV Show again and roaming around over to the main show area. I saw some more unusual things I missed the last couple time I was there. You know how weird things attract me, so I took some photos for your enjoyment.

I was totally scared at this booth.

Another strange thing at the rock show.

Remember that big pile of steer heads I took a picture of earlier. It looks like only the rejects are left.

I mentioned the gun booth in an earlier blog
And in conclusion, I’m so excited! I heard rumors that Diamond Pacific had a brand new cabochon machine they were introducing at this show. THE “XPERT” is a 7-wheeled unit with 1-3/4″ of space between wheels. This is the same wheel spacing at the Diamond Pacific Titan has. It takes the same 6″ wheels that the Genie uses. The unit has adapters that allow both end wheels to be spun off by hand and the 1/3hp motor is in the rear of the machine. This is bigger than the 1/4hp motor the Genie has. The motor is in the rear, so the unit is no wider then the Genie. It is belt driven and the water pump is easily accessed in the rear. Areas exposed to water are both galvanized and powder coated and the screws are stainless. The recommended wholesale price is $1875, but from a motivated dealer you may find it cheaper. Did I buy one? You bet I did . My dream machine is a Titan, but at a smaller price, this machine will do me for a long time. I tried to buy the demo model Bill was using, but he said that the unit serial number was oo1 and he had claimed this unit as his own. It doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ve loved my Genie, and now I plan to love my Xpert! Diamond Pacific does not have this unit on its website yet. I guess I’ve got to go back and grab a photo for you.

Diamond Pacific Xpert

A table full of weird birds!

You'd need a big loader to move these to your yard. My friend Gary's barn would look better with one of these sitting beside it.