I’m sure you have seen these Pyritized Ammonites before. (on right). Septarian cabs on the left. At Bright Star Gemstones.
The 22nd Street Mineral and Fossil Show is one that may prove rewarding upon a re-visit. The Showcase tent was an example of how things change with a few new vendors added to the mix, some fossils sold, and others took their place.
I seemed to miss some of the display cases on the last visit, as well as other things. So this will basically be some pictures of the new things, or some old things I may have shown you, or not. My old mind can’t remember things when it becomes sensory overloaded here in Tucson.

How do you describe this? A hot chick, metal chick, with a bird. This is why you see the picture. Loved the bicycle chain hair!
The Tucson Gem & Mineral Show (The Main Show at the Convention Center) opens tomorrow and we will be there. It’ll take me several blogs to cover that one show because there are so many displays. I’m only a couple shows behind right now, but eventually you’ll see almost everything we’ve done. Thanks for reading and riding along. Can you help spread the word by sharing our blog?