Sunny 65 & breezy
OK: I lied

The "Bead Ladies" were out in droves today.

Dendritic Quartzite from Utah was half off.
I told you yesterday that that would be it for gem shows, but this was before I knew that the activity of the day was to go to a garden center and buy cactus or some other mutant plant that might actually grow in this climate. I opted to hit the Tucson Electric Park Show one last time.
It was obvious that the dealers were ready to go home. Some had been working shows for a month, coming to Tucson from the Quartzite Shows. They went from one dusty show to another. One vendor told me he would be spending a month getting the dust from his products.
I had no goal in mind, nor do I really need anything else, but you never know what you don’t know you need. I chatted with a dealer from Utah who I have purchased Tiffany Stone from in past years. He was willing to part with some Picasso Marble beads at show-end prices, so being a good husband, I bought several strands for Bonnie.

Dragon made from hardware parts.

It WAS windy enough to fly these kites today.
The “bead ladies” were out in full force snatching up those discounted strands, as were other savvy shoppers with a possible good bargain on their minds.
I saw some unusual things today I missed on previous trips. In one tent someone had made dragons, motorcyclists, monsters, and the like from bike chains, nuts, washers, and other hardware store goods. I thought they were weird, but interesting.

"Ugly" Ryolite cat.
This cat was made of Ryolite (the vendor said he owned the mine in Mexico). He wanted me to take it home at half price. I think if I had purchased it there would be no more chocolate chip cookies made for me ever again, and I would get the “That’s ugly” speech that I have heard hundreds of times before.

Dinosaur body without its' head-I can sleep now.
I have to confess something to you guys. Ever since I saw that poor dinosaur’s head looking out of the ground (as seen on my post of February 7th) I have not been able to sleep properly. Where is that poor creature’s body? One of my goals (actually my final goal) was to locate that ill-fated creature’s body. I knew if hunted hard and long enough, my efforts would be rewarded. Today I FOUND THAT BEAST’S BODY! This is why you should always have a lofty goal and endeavor to accomplish it. Now I will finally get the much needed rest I have earned, and I can celebrate with a cold beer and a Tucson Taco.
I cannot say this is the final blog from here, but I do know there are no more shows. Sigh.