Sunny 79

Arizona Minerals-an artsy picture for you.

Tupac-one of the back streets.

One of the many artsy things we saw in Tupac.
We skipped the show today and drove south to Tupac, a artsy community full of high-end shops. The Tupac art show is underway we decided to beat the weekend crowd and go today.
Were we in for a surprise when we got there and found hundreds and hundreds of cars in all the lots, which were actually dusty fields! We were there so we paid our $6 for parking and checked the town out.
This was a show with perhaps $100-150 vendors. We actually saw one of the vendors we know from Wisconsin that does nice wire-wrapped jewelry of a different style than I do.
There were large crowds and I actually saw a dozen tour buses. Apparently this is a destination for many people. All the show was high quality. We really enjoyed what everyone was creating in the art world.
Today I will post a couple pictures from Tupac, and some more from the Gem & Mineral Show.

Probably the finest piece of Chrysocolla in Quartz I've ever seen. Miami-Globe Mine Az.

These were really amazing wood turnings inlayed withAzurite, Malachite, Chrysocolla and Arizona Turquoise

Crinoids from Montgomery County, Indiana

Vanadinite from Arizona belongs to the Apatite group of minerals.

Myrickite Agate/Opal Cinnabar-a rare rock from Napa Valley, California.

A great set of Dinosaur eggs! Maybe I should not have put it quite that way.