Sunny 85

Sun sets on Tucson-Notice no sides on the big tent.
AS quickly as it began the Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show ended yesterday. The tents are being dismantled, the hotel rooms are vacated, and the dealers are headed back to all over the world. From what I understand, the crowds have been down a little, but the buying has been up slightly. I saw some major pieces were purchased. I know the people at the Black Hills Institute are pleased after selling a couple of major fossils. I saw many other large or pricey items gone, and some boxed amethyst geodes with “Sold” signs on them.
Only one more flat-rate box being shipped out today. In the final few days, Bonnie found some bargain beads and I found an outstanding piece of Chrysoprase that I haggled to a great price.

Tucson was a winner!

I hate to go back to cold and snow.
I experience slight withdrawal each year when I cannot go out to look at rocks. I go home broke as usual, but I obtained some wonderful things to make into jewelry for the 2011 art shows we are in, as well as the website.
There was a nice activity called “Second Saturday” in Downtown Tucson with street performers and a great band playing oldies. There is sparse lighting downtown, no big sodium vapor lights or the like, so it is all sort of dark. Tucson has a light pollution ordinance so no lights are allowed to shine upward. This gave the area a Halloween-like feel, but we had great fun and some adult beverages on the way back home at Buffalo Hot Wings.

Adios Tucson.
This will be my final Tucson Blog until we get back home next week. You will see some of the amazing things we found in our travels out here. Better photos can be taken at home. I have sent home eight large flat-rate boxes of goodies. It will be fun unpacking them and finding the things I forgot I bought.
I hope you enjoyed what I wrote here, and I appreciate all the nice comments.
Don (and Bonnie)