We pretty much covered the one end of the Strip of Hotel Shows along I-10 in Tucson Yesterday. As You may recall, we park at a lot about midway along the Strip. Heres are numerous pictures of some of the wild and amazing things we saw.
This should catch us up on the Strip Shows (pun intended). Tomorrow we visit the Hotel Tucson City Center where we expect many fossils, speciments.

Punk rock skull-oh my!

I think we should check out this room.

Amazing Boulder Opal. This was really two halves of an amazingly stunning seam of opal crystal. The vendor was one of Bonnie’s Facebook buddies from Australia, and both seemed thrilled to finally meet in person.

Boulder Opal from Broken River Mining.

One of the many cracks and crevices in the show.This was some shell material for inlays and such.

One of the larger show tents with multiple vendors.

Yes, sometimes wild things are observed.

Carved Birds

Bonnie on the walk to the far end of the Strip.

RUGS AT A ROCK SHOW? Nothing surprises us in Tucson. We were not surprised, they’re there every year.

On an access road between Hotels.

Don is scratching his head on this one.

Someone spent a lot of time carving this.

El Paso Rock Shop is always out back with tons of rough.

El Paso

Nice seams of Chrysoprase

An odd piece of Prase.

Chevron Amethyst and other stuff.

I can see it coming. Pretty soon they’ll be selling this as Leland Blue.

pretty regal carving.

Preparing to bomb that Hedgehog I guess?

Bonnie likes most all Pink things.

Typical piles of rocks in hotel courtyards.

Things from the sea also.

Amethyst and Quartz galore being Howard Johnson’s

Uruguay Amethyst. Nice home decor, don’t you think?