Looking out the window. I wonder if that woman knows she’s about to be chomped? 7 to 8 foot mouth I’d guess. Perhaps 80 feet long.
The Mineral & Fossil Co-op is included in the Tucson Show Guide, but is a permanent business located at 1635 N. Oracle (Main Avenue turns into Oracle). We always enjoy visiting there for the high end fossils, and products.
This year as I walked in and the first thing that caught my eye was what is claimed to be the largest Megalodon jaw in the world. The Carcharocles megalodon from the Cenozoic era (15.9 to 2.6 million years ago) was the largest predator that ever existed. 182 fine meg teeth make up the jaw. The largest tooth is 7 5/8″ in length along the diagonal and is among the largest meg tooth ever found. Vito Bertucci “The Megalodon Man” took 16 years to collect teeth the correct size to make this jaw. He made several other jaws that are on display in other museums and aquariums. He died in 2004 while diving for sharks teeth in South Carolina.
Ammonite’s abound at the Co-op at many dealers there. Any size and type are available. Large Crinoid Plate similar to the one I showed you the other day is for sale and I took a close up to show detail.
Many of the fossil’s and minerals at the Co-op were at other shows being sold, but many were remaining to look at.
Coleman Quartz had many wonderful crystal clusters, and my favorite dealer at the Co-op GeoDecor always has great fossils on their walls and on the floor; a couple of note were a 50 million year old Frigate Bird, A Russian Giant Elk, a Stegosaurus, and a Triceratops.
Some beautiful Colorful Ammonites were being sold at the Sahara Sea Gallery, Rosman had an assortent of gorgeous Spheres, and Russell-Zuhl had Petrified Wood tables and the like.