We like to look at the smaller shows. The Tucson New Mineral Show sounded interesting. The location is behind a huge wall with interesting paintings, previously a slaughterhouse. (Yes, really). A spray painted graffiti over the iron archway entrance confirmed that this was the slaughterhouse. An ominous atmosphere prevailed. Bonnie asked the police what other uses this big piece of property has. Apparently at Halloween, and other times, you can practice your skill at shooting Zombies (with laser weapons). Apparently Zombie killing is quite popular.
Note: the Show Guide lists this as “Cineplex Theater”. Please study the photos below. It should have said Slaughterhouse and we would have known where it was! Not what we expected! You could say this is the Apocolypse Mineral Show. This is the most unique venue ever!!!! Go here, buy stuff, look around.
We hesitantly entered the parking area. The block slaughterhouse and dual showtents were enclosed. I commented that I hoped this wasn’t a DEAD END show. We were please to see that the Tucson police were there to protect the minerals, or to keep back the zombies. I do know the safest place to avoid a Zombie Apocalypse is in your LIVING ROOM, but I feel good if someone is armed in a Zombie area. We didn’t go into the “sketchy” cattlepen area which may be where the zombies hide during the day.
Surprisingly there were some wonderful mineral specimens including a couple of vendors selling quality micro mounts. If I were a mineral collector, this would be a great spot to go. But do take a flashlight, one of the tents had a dark ceiling (and DARK corners). A nice lighted display cabinet had some beautiful mineral specimens. We found one vendor with agates, another had Nevada gold jewelry which was pretty.
I tried to remember the Zombie computer game I played with my son-in-law where I blew zombies apart with the shotgun…but I had to trust that the local police could dispatch any zombies that might exhume themselves from their graves. Also I wondered if cattle could be zombies. Wouldn’t they be more likely to eat a person’s brain that an ordinary undead zombie? Next time I go to a show like this I’ll have to brush up on my zombie lore.

A lovely block fence adorned with happy cattle headed for the slaughterhouse, surrounds the property.
If you are running from a hoard of zombies, you don’t want to be the slowest one! Sort of like a rock hunt, where you want to be first to the rock pile. If you had a bunch of rioting zombies with large lips, would this be A-PACK-OF-LIPS?
We experienced the zombie mineral show which was surprisingly entertaining. We were also pleased to safely exit the Zombie Experience grounds. If the zombies had come out, I would not be writing this blog, because I would be last in line of those fleeing the zombies. A DEADicated Zombie could catch me. This experience made me want to go to a bar and have a shot of TO-KILL-YA.
OK enough of this. I think my mind is fading. More tomorrow without Zombie jokes; promise. Oh, thanks for letting me play wit my Photoshop.